Mike Glyer

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Mike Glyer is a publisher of the science fiction fan newszine File 770. He holds the record for being nominated for the Hugo Awards the most times, 45, and has won 8 times.[1][2] File 770 won Best Fanzine Hugo in 1984, 1985, 1989, 2000, and 2001, and Glyer won the Best Fan Writer Hugo in 1984, 1986 and 1988. Also, the 1982 World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) committee presented him a Special Award for "Keeping the Fan in Fanzine Publishing."

In 2008 both Mike Glyer and his wife Diana Pavlac Glyer were nominated for Hugo awards: File 770 for Best Fanzine and The Company They Keep: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community for Best Related Book.[1][3]

File 770 is named for the party in Room 770 at the 1951 Worldcon that upstaged the convention. File 770 is a paper fanzine, which is also available in electronic form.[4] The zine appears several times a year and File 770 now has a presence on the fannish side of the Blogosphere.[5] Mike Glyer started it in 1978 to report on clubs, conventions, fannish projects, fans, fanzines, awards, and controversial articles like, "Is Your Club Dead Yet?"

Mike chaired the 1996 Worldcon, L.A.Con III, held in Anaheim, CA. He co-chaired the regional convention Westercon 31, held in Los Angeles in 1978, that was inspired by its Baskin-Robbins-esque number to create the first "Ice Cream Social" at a convention.

His one professional fiction sale appeared in Alternate Worldcons, edited by Mike Resnick. That short story, "The Men Who Corflued Mohammed," is a fannish homage to Alfred Bester's "Man Who Murdered Mohammed."

Glyer has been active in the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society since 1970, frequently serving as club secretary. Mike was made a fan guest of honour for the first time at the 1981 DeepSouthCon in Atlanta partly because the con committee thought his LASFS minutes were so amusing that they had to be made up. Glyer protested that funny things were happening all round him and he just wrote them down – rather like Vincent Van Gogh claiming "I just paint what I see."

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