
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

User: Michaelhaslip

Details: Assistant Teacher, Dept. of Education, Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA.


[edit] Projects

1. Knowledge systhesis and world public broadcasting for positive social change, local to global. 2. Voluntary world tax for global health, education, energy, prosperity

[edit] Idea for Wikipedia

use the wiki community to group people together in each local city/locality to identify local problems/issues, share knowledge about the issue and ideas for change, consult about change and implement change. Use same model for entire regions, nations and the earth as a whole - humanity talking to humanity about how to make life better for all and then implementing change. Ie. a 'wikichange' where our community identifies problems in the community/world and fixes them!! This is the next logical step to take from the encyclopedia, to use our collective knowledge to solve problems and implement change for world peace, tranquilty, prosperty and justice. Together, we can "be the change we want to see in the world" as Gandhi said. Why not apply the wikipedia community for positive change...let wikipedia be one huge change agent for the social evolution of humanity. See a problem in your home town? Post it on wikipedia, let everyone hash out the issue, identify solutions, and work together to find implement solutions. Scale this up to tackle global issues. Making the world better has never been so easy!

[edit] values

I'm human. I'm the same as you. world citizenship - we are one. "the earth is but one country and mankind its citizens" - Baha'u'llah "love is the greatest power in the universe" - Abdu'l-Baha