Michel Loève

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Michel Loève (January 22, 1907 in Jaffa, PalestineFebruary 17, 1979 in Berkeley, California) was a probabilist and a mathematical statistician. His name is known to probabilists and statisticians because of the Karhunen-Loève theorem and Karhunen-Loève transform.

Loève received his primary and secondary education in French schools in Egypt. He studied mathematics at the Université de Paris and received his Docteur ès Sciences (Mathématiques) in 1941.

He worked from 1944 to 1946 at the Institut Henri Poincaré of the Université de Paris, then until 1948 at the University of London. After one term as a visiting professor at Columbia University he accepted the position of Professor of Mathematics at Berkeley. In 1955 adding the title Professor of Statistics.

He is the author of one of the best known textbooks on measure-theoretic probability theory. He is memorialized via the Loève Prize created by his widow Line.

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