Michail Matjuschin

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Michael Vasilyevich Matjuschin (Russian: Михаил Васильевич Матюшин; * 1861 in Novgorod; † 14 October 1934 in Leningrad) was a Russian painter and composer, leading member of the Russian avant-garde. From 1876 to 1881 he received training in the conservatory in Moscow and worked from 1882 to 1913 as a violinist in the yard orchestra of Saint Petersburg. Meanwhile, he studied art at a private art school together with his life companion Jelena Guro and paints in this time a series of landscapes. Matjuschin ranks among a founder Futurism in the art. He attained a life-long friendship with artist Kasimir Malevich; in 1913 Malevich and Matjuschin, along with two further artist colleagues, writes the opera Victory over the Sun, whose set was designed my Malevich supposedly inspiring him to the development of Suprematism. Matjuschin writes the music to this opera to the works of poet Velimir Chlebnikov. From 1921 to 1923 he worked in the museum for artistic culture and belonged to the museum executive committee, whose department for scientific study of the organic art he led starting from 1923.

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