Michael Ross (Home and Away)

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Michael Ross
Portrayed by Dennis Coard
First appearance 1991
Last appearance April 29, 1996
Episode 1912
Gender Male

Michael Ross was a fictional character on the Australian soap opera Home and Away played by Dennis Coard.

[edit] Character Information

Michael arrived in Summer Bay shortly after his divorce from Cynthia and when his business began to fail. Their son, Hadyn, did not take the news very well, especially when he was told he would have to leave his private school and all his friends and join Michael in the bay.

Michael managed to fit into the bay, quickly making friends. Local widow, Pippa Fletcher caught his eye, but she was resistant to him. Michael wasn't one to give up and persisted to win Pippa's heart until she gave in. The couple later married and Michael began sharing the responsibility of Pippa's foster children. Hadyn later left town.

Michael and Pippa later had a baby son of their own, Dale. Several months later, Dale died of cot death.

Haydn returned in 1994, telling Michael that he wanted money for a surf shop he wanted to open. Michael began to realise Hadyn had a gambling problem and this effect, Finlay Roberts, who had been fostered by Michael and Pippa, and had feelings for Hadyn.

Towards the end of the year, The Rosses began having financial difficulties and were forced to sell the Boatshed. Pippa and Michael began arguing frequently and separated over Christmas but eventually worked things out.

In May 1996, there was a vicious storm in the Bay which caused havoc and flooding. Michael had to pick up foster son Sam Marshall as he could not get home through the floods. Sam slipped into the stream, which had been turned into a fast flowing river. Jack Wilson tried to save him, and Michael then dived in. Sam was rescued, and Jack tried to help Michael to safety. Michael was losing his grip on a branch he had, and was pulled away.

The next day, Michael's body was found, leaving Pippa a widow once again. Sam and Jack continued to blame themselves for what happened. At Michael's funeral, Hadyn reappeared and told Pippa he wished he could have been a better son to Michael.