Mexico tropical cyclone rainfall climatology

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All tropical cyclone tracks between the years 1985 and 2005.
All tropical cyclone tracks between the years 1985 and 2005.

Mexico tropical cyclone rainfall climatology discusses precipitation characteristics of tropical cyclones that have struck Mexico over the years. One-third of the annual rainfall received along the Mexican Riviera and up to half of the rainfall received in Baja California Sur is directly attributable to tropical cyclones moving up the west coast of Mexico. The central plateau is shielded from the high rainfall amounts seen on the oceanward slopes of the Sierra Madre Oriental and Occidental mountain chains.


[edit] General characteristics

rightabout 156447% a year including the whole country.
rightabout 156447% a year including the whole country.

Storms track near and along the western Mexican coastline primarily between the months of July and September.[1] These storms enhance the monsoon circulation over northwest Mexico and the southwest United States.[2] On an average basis, eastern Pacific tropical cyclones contribute about one-third of the annual rainfall along the Mexican Riviera, and up to one-half of the rainfall seen annually across Baja California Sur.[3] Mexico is twice as likely (18% of the basin total) to be impacted by a Pacific tropical cyclone on its west coast than an Atlantic tropical cyclone on its east coast (9% of the basin total). The three most struck states in Mexico in the 50 years at the end of the 20th century were Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, and Quintana Roo.[4]

[edit] Highest known rainfall amounts

Juliette (2001) Rainfall Distribution
Juliette (2001) Rainfall Distribution

Below is a list of the top ten highest known storm total rainfall amounts from individual tropical cyclones across Mexico. Most of the rainfall information was provided by the Mexico's National Weather Service, Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, which is a part of the National Water Commission, Comisión Nacional del Agua.

Wettest tropical cyclones in Mexico
Highest recorded rainfall totals since 1983[5]
Rank Storm and year Precipitation
(mm) (in)
1 Wilma 2005 1576 62.05
2 Frances 1998 1119 44.06
3 Tropical Depression Eleven (1999) 1098 43.23
4 Juliette 2001 1011 39.80
5 Dolly 1996 950 37.41
6 Gert 1993 805 31.69
7 Hermine 1980 791 31.15[6]
8 Isidore 2002 774 30.49
9 Pauline 1997 686 27.01
10 Roxanne 1995 676 26.61

[edit] Maximum tropical cyclone rainfall per state for Mexico

See also: List of wettest tropical cyclones by country
Mexico tropical cyclone rainfall maxima per state
Mexico tropical cyclone rainfall maxima per state

On the western side of Mexico, the Sierra Madre Occidental keeps the central plateau free of excessive rainfall, as tropical cyclones originating in the Eastern Pacific Ocean rain themselves out on the upslope sides of the topography. On the eastern side of Mexico, the Sierra Madre Oriental has the same orographic effect, this time blocking tropical disturbances making landfall from the Gulf of Mexico. State maxima relating to tropical cyclones and their remnants are shown on the right, color coded by amount.

State Rainfall
Storm (Year)[7]
Aguascalientes 150.6 5.93 Eugene (1987)
Baja California 261.1 10.28 Juliette (2001)
Baja California Sur 1,010.9 39.80 Juliette (2001)
Campeche 774.4 30.49 Isidore (2002)
Chiapas 1,119.1 44.06 Frances (1998)
Chihuahua 134.9 5.31 Ismael (1995)
Coahuila 369.1 14.53 Charley (1998)
Colima 395.5 15.57 Javier (1998)
Distrito Federal 109.2 4.30 Cosme (1989)
Durango 228.1 8.98 Tico (1983)
Guanajuato 124.0 4.88 Erika (2003)
Guerrero 950.2 37.41 Dolly (1996)
Hidalgo 567.9 22.36 TD 11 (1999)
Jalisco 440.2 17.33 Javier (1998)
México 108.0 4.25 Cosme (1989)
Michoacán 525.3 20.68 Eugene (1987)
Morelos 148.3 5.84 Cosme (1989)
Nayarit 396.0 15.59 Javier (1998)
Nuevo León 177.8 7.00 Fay (2002) / Gert (1993)
Oaxaca 499.6 19.67 Pauline (1997)
Puebla 1098.0 43.23 TD 11 (1999)
Querétaro 83.1 3.27 Eugene (1987)
Quintana Roo 1576.1 62.05 Wilma (2005)
San Luis Potosí 804.9 31.69 Gert (1993)
Sinaloa 304.0 11.97 Isis (1998)
Sonora 345.2 13.59 Juliette (2001)
Tabasco 523.7 20.62 Roxanne (1995)
Tamaulipas 623.6 24.55 Keith (2000)
Tlaxcala 71.9 2.83 Eugene (1987)
Veracruz 928.9 36.57 TD 11 (1999)
Yucatán 444.0 17.48 Isidore (2002)
Zacatecas 404.9 5.94 Eugene (1987)

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links