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08:59:27 pm <SaberatStoor> ...Mac is the best. It sucks that most games don't work on Macs, but oh well. Mac is mostly for work, at which it is a wonderful, beautiful, perfectly-working machine. Microsoft, however, is terrible at work, slow, and often loses people's files, officially screwing them, losing years' worth of important files. Microsoft destroys livelihoods. Bill Gates knows that people rely on computers these days and takes full advantage of it, knowing full well that most of us will put up with all the shit his computers will throw at us, despite all the money we flush down the toilet in the hopes of making it work for us.
09:02:28 pm <Metar> Communism is the best. It sucks that most countries won't submit to communism but oh well. Communism is mostly for communal effort, at which it is a wonderful, beautiful perfectly-working form of government. Capitalism, however, is terrible at communal effort, contradictory and often leaves people poor, officially screwing them, wasting years of manual labor. Capitalism destroys spirits. The USA knows people rely on money these days and takes full advantage of it, knowing full well that most of us will put up with the shit their government throws at them, despite all the money we flush down the toilet in the hopes of making it work for us.