Metro Orange Line bicycle path

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The Metro Orange Line bicycle path is a mixed Class I bike path and Class II bike lane that parallels the Metro Orange Line busway in Los Angeles County. The path starts at Chandler Boulevard and the North Hollywood Metro station, and runs west. It is a Class II bike lane until between Coldwater Canyon Avenue and Fulton Avenue, where it becomes a Class I bike path. It makes its way westward between Chandler Boulevard, Oxnard Street, Victory Boulevard, and so on until Canoga Boulevard, where it terminates.

Along the path there are frequent intersections that can be difficult for cyclists to navigate. The crossing buttons are not adjacent to the curb cuts. Many of the curb cuts run diagonal to the path of travel which slows cyclists as they approach the intersection forcing them to acknowledge the signal and be aware of red-light violators.

When riding the path, be alert to cars turning left in front of you when you come to an intersection. There are now left turn arrows at most of the intersections that control traffic crossing the bus lane.


[edit] Entry points and parking

Being adjacent to an MTA busway there are numerous parking areas. There is parking at the following Metro stations: North Hollywood, Van Nuys, Sepulveda, Balboa, Reseda, Pierce College (Winnetka), and Canoga. Entry points are at every major street along the path.

[edit] Maintenance

[edit] Current condition

The path opened to cyclists in late 2005, while the busway itself was still being tested.

[edit] Future plans

On September 28th, 2006, the LACMTA board approved a plan to extend the Orange Line to the district of Chatsworth, terminating at the Chatsworth Metrolink station. The expansion will cost $135 million and should be completed in 2012.[1] Like the existing Orange Line, the Chatsworth extension will include a Class I bikeway (from Canoga Park to Chatsworth.)

[edit] References

  1. ^ LA Times – MTA to Run Orange Line Busway to Chatsworth, extension diagram

[edit] External links