Metallurgical converter

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Metallurgical converter is a vessel used in the operation of converting (metallurgy). Two kinds of converters are widely used in extractive metallurgy: horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal converters of the Pierce-Smith type prevail in the metallurgy of non ferrous metals. Such a converter is a horizontal barrel lined with refractory material inside. A hood for the purpose of the loading/unloading operations is located on the upper side of the converter. Two belts of tuyeres come along the axis on either sides of the converter.

Molten sulfide material, referred to as matte, is poured through the hood into the converter during the operation of loading. Air is distributed to tuyeres from the two tuyere collectors which are located on opposite sides of the converter. Collector pipes vary in diameter with distance from the connection to air supplying trunk; this is to provide equal pressure of air in each tuyere.