Wikipedia:MeSH I03

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The following is a list of the "I" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)


[edit] MeSH I03 --- human activities

[edit] MeSH I03.050 --- activities of daily living

[edit] MeSH I03.125 --- automobile driving

[edit] MeSH I03.287 --- diet fads

[edit] MeSH I03.350 --- exercise

[edit] MeSH I03.450 --- leisure activities

[edit] MeSH I03.548 --- nudism

[edit] MeSH I03.621 --- physical fitness

[edit] MeSH I03.702 --- retirement

[edit] MeSH I03.784 --- survival

[edit] MeSH I03.828 --- temperance

[edit] MeSH I03.883 --- travel

[edit] MeSH I03.946 --- work