Mentha citrata

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Mentha citrata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Mentha
Species: M. citrata
Binomial name
Mentha citrata

Mentha citrata (Ehrhart) (syn. Mentha x piperita L. var. citrata (J.F. Ehrh.) Briq.; syn. Mentha x aquatica var. citrata (J.F. Ehrh.) Benth.[1]; syn. Mentha odorata) is an herb. It is also known as Bergamot mint, Eau-de-cologne Mint, Horsemint, Lemon Mint, Lime Mint, Orange Mint, Pineapple Mint, Su Nanesi, Water Capitate Mint, Water Mint, Watermunt, Wild Water Mint, and in Central America Yerba Buena.[2]

The whole plant is smooth, dotted with yellow glands and is of a dark green colour, generally tinged with purple, especially the margins of the leaves, which are finelly toothed. There are very conspicuous lines of yellow glands on the purple calyx.[3]

This herb has a characteristic lemon odor when crushed. It is sometimes used to make a tasteful tea similar to lemonade, with medicinal value (see below).

[edit] Medicinal uses

A tea made from the fresh or dried leaves has traditionally been used:[3][4]

  • For stomach aches, nausea, parasites and other digestive disorders
  • For nerves and sick stomach
  • For fevers and headaches

The leaves and flowering plant have analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogic, diaphoretic, and vasodilator properties.[citation needed] Like other members of the genus, it is best not used by pregnant women because large doses can cause an abortion.[citation needed]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Quattrocchi, Umberto (1947-). CRC World dictionary of plant names: Common names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Sonyonyms, and Etymology III M-Q. CRC Press, 1659. 
  2. ^ Plants For A Future: Database - Mentha x piperita citrata. Retrieved on 2006-03-27.
  3. ^ a b Medicinal Herbs - Retrieved on 2006-03-27.
  4. ^ Plantas for a Future - Mentha x piperita citrata / Eau De Cologne Mint. Retrieved on 2006-03-27.