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Občina Mengeš
Grb občine Mengeš
Area: 22,5 km²
Population 6.662
 - males 3.181
 - females 3.481
Mayor: Franc Jerič
Average age: 39,7 let
Residential areas: 27,23 m²/osebo
 - households: 2.170
 - families: 1.871
Working active: 3.278
 - unemployed: 307
Average monthly salary (avgust 2003):
 - gross: 292.989 SIT
 - net: 178.727 SIT
College/university students: 297
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, census of 2002.

Mengeš is a municipality of Slovenia located approximately fifteen kilometers from the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana. Menges became a municipality of Slovenia in 1995.

Coordinates: 46°10′N, 14°34′E