Talk:Melodic black metal

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Dont merge. Mainly because i corrected it. More work would be helpfull though. Leyasu 05:43, 1 January 2006 (UTC)

err...there is no such thing as "melodic black metal"

This is so similar to Symphonic Black Metal, I'm very confused as to why this is also a genre. I've never heard of this genre either. I notice that Old Man's Child is considered part of this genre whereas Dimmu Borgir are of the Symphonic variety. I think I can understand the difference between the 2, but its so subtle and they are certainly part of the same scene, so I question why they are not merged into 1 article. marnues 02:32, 25 January 2006 (UTC)

See the Symphonic Metal article for a better defination of Symphonic Black Metal. Yes, true, the two do overlap a lot. However, they are deemed as two seperate subgenres. Such, is the way of things. Leyasu 02:42, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
Leyasu, you wouldn't know Black Metal if it took seven colours of shit in your face. What's next? Traditional Semi-Symphonic Tribal Black Metal? Get your head out of your ass. There is no such a fucking thing as Melodic Black Metal. 12:58, 22 November 2007 (UTC) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

A question? I seem to be confused by this statement "Most bands are not as aggresively Anti-Christian as black metal bands". In that case how in hell would Old Man's Child fall in that category. They aren't so implicit as Marduk for example, but are also not like Cradle of Filth in presenting their message. Or how would Children of Bodom fall into this category when it says "slower tempos". Yeah and CoB are not faster then a turtle? Genre category's and others as well are all stupid. I guess I wrote this because it's not logical to put OMC in this category. At least to me? Death2 16:33, 10 April 2006 (UTC)

Really, Old Man's Child is the only band I know of that fits in here. CoB has some obvius black metal influences and I think the Melodic Black Metal tag was given to them because they are something of a melodic band, not because they play any thing similar to this genre. CoF doesn't seem to fit into this genre either, but I'm still have a tough time figuring out where they belong. I don't know Marduk, so I can't comment there. Basically, I thnk of it as OMC are the primary band in this genre and if another band has a similar sound, they should be here. Maybe I'll look around and see if a better definition can be found. marnues 19:24, 11 April 2006 (UTC)

After listening to Old Man's Child some more, I agree that this is Black Metal's answer to Melodic Death Metal. But I'm sot sure if they should be considered an anomaly (sort of like Children of Bodom who will never fit nicely into a genre) or if there really are other bands who play thil lort of music. Hopefully I can find more because I really like OMC. Also I have no idea where the "Most bands are not as aggresively Anti-Christian as black metal bands" thing comes from. Galder and ODM certainly are anti-Christian. Hopefully more will come to light. marnues 22:04, 11 April 2006 (UTC)

Since when is Burzum melodic black metal??? scskowron 18:30, 4 July 2006 (UTC)

Who are The Stolypins??? Metal Archives do not know such band. I deleted it.Blacklake 13:02, 17 August 2006 (UTC)

Umm, Symphonic Minor Scale? I've searched Google, this article is the only place I can find mention of this scale.


This article is hideously incorrect and confusing. On top of that it mixes what melodic death metal and symphonic black metal are, and wrongly shows symphonic BM bands as melodic black metal. Massive rewrite needed, or deletion if it can't be written accurately. --Ryouga 01:22, 10 October 2006 (UTC)


The English in this article is just horrific. Sort it out.

This article seems to be about Symphonic Black Metal, not melodic BM (which is more along the lines of Burzum(Filosofem) or Svartthron)Docbp87 23:46, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

Yeah, I made some changes, so now, it describes melodic black metal and not symphonic black metal.Mezmerizer 13:39, 16 July 2007 (UTC)


[edit] Wintersun

I removed, Wintersun, form the list, because, only ties, to black metal, wich, they have, are vocals. Actual, sources, about, finnish metal-music, does'nt, listed them as melodic black metal or black metal either. Please, stop adding, the bands, who have only, screamed vocals (ie. melodeath, bands like CoB or AtG). Black metal bands, use, tremolo-riffs too, not only, screaming vocals. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 20:04, 4 September 2007

Yes, Wintersun is melodeath with influences of power, black and viking Metal. And CoB isn't black metal, on the first albums they aren't black metal too. They are fast power metal with melodeath and soem blackmetal vocals. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:41, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Weird Emperor deleting

Who the fuck keeps deleting Emperor? I mean if you don't consider those guy melodic black metal you know absolutely NOTHING about that genre at all! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:57, 9 December 2007 (UTC)

i agree. at least emperors first album is melodic black metal. they should also be noted on their page as melodic black metal. i changed it 2 it but it got removed. and i have no idea why, before i was even a wiki member it said that they were melodic black metal.

[edit] Cradle of Filth

i know that cradle of filth have many influences of diffrent genres to their music. but they should be noted as melodic black metal on this page as their early works which are. and they should be there at least if not mentioned on their own page as melodic black metal. and i know the main wiki ppl told me that their genre is debated and on their page it shouldnt be mentioned. though what you guys dont know is that the early albums of cradle of filth ARE NOT debated. they are melodic black metal for many reasons. they are actually reffered to as just black metal in certain cases, although there are melodic black metal elements to it (e.g. occasional clean vocals,more structured songs,songs more guitar oriented,not uncommon to have guitar solos). all the melodic black metal information on the page is right there. and to everyone that is wondering, YES. melodic black metal is a real genre. if not, then how is symphonic black metal or melodic death metal? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Okram 09 (talkcontribs) 21:33, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Possible merge

I remain unconvinced that 'melodic black metal' is a legitimate subgenre. I suggest that this article gets merged with the main black metal page... as it stands it consist of entirely original research and as such may not even survive an AfD. Merging it would possibly allow us to include some of the material contained within this article. Blackmetalbaz (talk) 23:43, 4 February 2008 (UTC)