Melungeon DNA Project
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The Melungeon DNA Project is a study of males and females who have proven known Melungeon ancestors, according to historic records and agreed on by serious Melungeon researchers. The study was started by Jack Goins, author of "Melungeon And Other Pioneer Families", in 2005. Goins is himself of Melungeon ancestry. Participants must descend in a paternal line for the Y chromosome testing, or a maternal line for the Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing.
The Melungeon DNA Project volunteer administrator has no commercial affiliation with any profit-making organization and receives no compensation for services or expenses involved with the project.
Group 1: Core Melungeon At present, Bunch, Goins, Gibson, Minor, Collins, Williams, Goodman, Denham, Bolin, Mullins, Moore, Shumake, Boltons, Perkins, Mornings, Menleys, Breedlove, Hopkins and Mallett, and name variations, have been designated core families by the project organizers. More names may be added as this is an ongoing research project, and these names will be in Group 1.
Group 2: Melungeon related. If the above names are in the participant's family but are not in a direct line to enable Y DNA or mtDNA testing, participants will be placed in Group 2: Melungeon related.
Preliminary results of the Core Melungeon DNA Project are available here: