User:Mehmian5/Rapistrum regosum Draft

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Bastard Cabbage
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Brassicales
Family: Brassicaceae
Genus: Rapistrum
Species: R. regosum
Binomial name
Rapistrum regosum

[edit] Rapistrum regosum (Bastard Cabbage)

(Preston, Pearman & Dines 2002, p. 284)
(Clapham, Tutin & Warburg 1981, p. 52)
(Chrisopher 1995, p. 90)
(Stace 1999, p. 187)
(Streeter 1983, p. 224)

[edit] References

  • Chrisopher, G. (1995), written at London, Wild flowers of Britain and Northwest Europe, Dorling Kindersley Ltd., ISBN 0-751-32756-5.
  • Streeter, D. (1983), written at London, The wild flowers of the British Isles, Midsummer Books Ltd., ISBN 1-900732-033.
  • Clapham, A.R.; T.G. Tutin & E.F. Warburg (1981), written at Cambridge, Excursion flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-23290-2.
  • Preston, C.D.; D.A. Pearman & T.D. Dines (2002), written at Oxford, New Atlas of the British & Irish flora, Oxford University, ISBN 0198510675.