Wikipedia:Mediation Committee/Current Nominations

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[edit] Current nominations

Old nominations are archived at Wikipedia:Mediation Committee/Nominations.

[edit] Sunray

Sunray (talk · contribs)

I am a long-time editor with a primary focus on writing and editing articles on culture and society. As WP has *matured* the number of situations requiring mediation has increased and I have increasingly been involved in dispute resolution. This is not a bad thing, IMO, just a necessary aspect of building a community. Here are some thoughts about why I might be of use to this committee.

My experience in dispute resolution was, for many years, shaped by positions I held in case management and as a negotiator in the corrections system. Interestingly enough, such experience did not prepare me well for the type of dispute resolution one engages in as a member of a community. More important are the skills I've acquired as a member of an intentional community and in the dispute resolution program at the Justice Institute of British Columbia. JIBC uses an interest-based model for dispute resolution and participants hone skills in listening, paraphrasing and reframing. Key components of the model include defining the agenda early on and, once common interests are identified, preparing an agreement and action plan.

My interest in consensus is reflected in that I am the main contributor to the article on Consensus decision-making. I am also in the top-ten editors, by number of contributions, to the policy on Civility. Recently I’ve taken an intensive series of workshops on compassionate communication (NVC).

In sum: In addition to writing and editing articles, I would like to improve my contribution to the quality of the Wikipedia community. I see the Mediation Committee as an important component of this. Sunray (talk) 03:29, 10 May 2008 (UTC)

Questions from Committee members:

  • What are the core principles of Mediation Committee mediation?
    • Building consensus
    • Creating an environment of civility and collaboration
    • Contributing to finding ways for people to keep working together to contribute to Wikipedia and grow from their interaction.
    • Helping individuals to move from their respective positions and find common interests
    • Assisting participants to reach agreement
    • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Discussions during formal mediation are privileged; they cannot be used against the parties in later proceedings (e.g. RfArb/RfC). Why is that important?
    • For mediation to work, there must be a climate of trust. If what someone says could be used against them it would undermine openness and trust.
  • What prior experience do you have in resolving disputes on Wikipedia? Please provide links, and how will these experiences help you to be an effective Committee member?
    • WP disputes I've mediated informally have taught me a great deal about how meat space mediation needs to be adapted to a virtual community. The most difficult mediation I've done was one that involved several academics on Marxian economics and related pages. A turning point in this protracted series of edit wars, was "caucusing" offline (or rather off WP talk pages, mostly via e-mail), and then bringing together common interests online. It went on for months, but eventually not only did the warring cease, but the articles were better off as a result of the conflict. Perhaps this is not the best example, as the documentation is voluminous. Nevertheless, Talk:Marxian economics/archive2 is where it begins and Talk:Marxian economics is where it ends. This was a difficult one, compounded by long-standing professional rivalry and entrenched jealousies. I made many mistakes, but the learning was invaluable. The most important learning for me was that the dispute didn't get resolved until I actually got to the neutral position between the disputants. Sunray (talk) 03:29, 10 May 2008 (UTC)
    • Recently, I have begun to assist with negotiations between editors at Talk:Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama#RfC: Neutrality dispute. Initially I had merely joined the discussion, but here, I began assuming a facilitator role. I wasn't asked to do this, but did deem it useful to help build consensus. Sunray (talk) 16:13, 17 May 2008 (UTC)
  • Would you consider takting one of our cases so we can see how you are as a mediator? Ryan Postlethwaite 19:28, 19 May 2008 (UTC)
    • I would be pleased to do that. I checked the current case list and there are none available at the moment, but I will keep watching. In the meantime, I have taken on Wikipedia:Mediation Cabal/Cases/2008-05-18 Stephen Hendry. it has some interesting features! Sunray (talk) 01:00, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
      • This case involved two head-butting editors, each pressing a point. The complicating feature was that one had just been blocked for violating 3RR. I contacted the unblocked participant and requested that he modify his behaviour, which he did. The blocked participant continued to evade the block and participate on the talk page. I discussed this with the blocking administrator and we agreed on a strategy. This included my attempting to contact the blocked editor to offer a reduction in time blocked if he would meet certain requirements. I was unsuccessful in reaching him. We restricted his participation on the talk page (while allowing him to signify agreement with the other disputant) and the blocking admin extended the block. Consensus achieved. Case closed. Simpler than warring academics, I must say. Sunray (talk) 07:26, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

Mediation Committee:

  • Comment - This is just a general comment, I don't see any problems after looking over the contributions. Sunray is a solid content contributor. I'd simply like to see him mediate one of our cases so we can get a feel about how he would perform as part of the committee. Ryan Postlethwaite 19:28, 19 May 2008 (UTC)
  • Remark. I would also be interested in having you mediate a case for the Committee before I make any final decisions; this would allow current mediators to get a feel for how you adapt to and operate in a formal mediation environment (although I am sure your off- and on-Wiki experience will aid the quality of your mediating there). Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Open Tasks lists the current mediation cases, including those that have yet to be assigned a mediator. However, early signs, after a brief review, do cast you in the light of a promising candidate. Best of luck. Anthøny 08:55, 21 May 2008 (UTC)
  • I may be missing something here, but I looked at each of those cases and they seem to be assigned. Should I offer to assist another mediator? Sunray (talk) 16:59, 21 May 2008 (UTC)
  • Comment. Sunray can take the Gilad Shalit case if he wishes, that's fine with me. If it's fine with him and Medcom as well then we can use that as a trial. Wizardman 22:25, 21 May 2008 (UTC)
    • I agree to take the Gilad Shalit case. Sunray (talk) 15:15, 22 May 2008 (UTC)
      • Since I am a non-MedCom member, would someone be able to assist in getting the parties to agree to me as mediator. Or should I go ahead with that myself? Sunray (talk) 18:35, 22 May 2008 (UTC)
        • Done; see "Discussion and comments", below. Anthøny 20:09, 22 May 2008 (UTC)
  • Comment I won't go either way now; I'd really like to see Sunray do a case (Gilad Shalit would be fine) for us, though my initial impressions look good. Keilana|Parlez ici 23:39, 21 May 2008 (UTC)
  • Support. Daniel (talk) 09:22, 25 May 2008 (UTC)
  • Support: I don't see any obvious issues, and his contributions are wonderful. I'd be willing to give Sun a case to see how comfortable he would be at mediation (per Ryan). seicer | talk | contribs 04:41, 6 June 2008 (UTC)
  • Support - I see no problems here and I think Sunray would be an excellent member of the committee. Ryan Postlethwaite 23:43, 6 June 2008 (UTC)
  • Support, per Ryan's vein. Sunray has the experience and abilities required for formal mediation; I think he would be a constructive and productive member of the MedCom, and I look forward to his joining us. Anthøny 12:30, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
  • Support, after taking a look at his progress at Gilad Shalit. Wizardman 19:40, 8 June 2008 (UTC)

Community opinions:

Discussion and comments:

Decision of the Mediation Committee: