Template talk:Medcab2

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[edit] categorical imperative vs. the Golden Rule

technical and pedantic point... what's being cited as the categorical imperative, here, is actually the golden rule. compare:

act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it would become a universal law (CI)


do unto others as you would have them do unto you (GR)

the categorical imperative was actually designed as a philosophical extrapolation of the golden rule, and carries a distinctly different flavor. but who cares, really...  ;-)

Please modify that as you deem necessary. I'd rather call the categorical imperative a premise than an extrapolation of the golden rule. ( You can, of course, extrapolate the premises of a statement. )
Technical and pedantic answer: If the golden rule follows from the categorical imperative the implication is true and the categorical imperative isn't cited but referred to. There is also still the minor difference that the golden rule ends with the constraint unto you --Fasten 17:41, 3 March 2006 (UTC)

lol. ok... it's been a while since I've read Kant, but as I understand it, he started with the Golden Rule (which was a standard bit of folk-wisdom in the Christian tradition) and pointed out the limitations in it—for instance, if you believe that combat-to-the-death is an appropriate and necessary test of the manly virtues, you are entitled to attack anyone you like without reason, because that's what you (personally) would want them to do to you. Kant then created the categorical imperative by induction to get around those issues: the specific unto you part being replaced by the universal notion of law, which must be applied unto everyone.

so I think we're both right...  ;-) I'm not sure if rephrasing that template would make things clearer or more confusing, though—it's pretty good as it is. if I think of something cool I'll add it, and trust your judgement about keeping it or removing it. Ted 19:54, 3 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] improvement suggestion

I trying to decide if it's possible to restructure the template so that it will automatically leave a note on the talk pages of users who are specified as participants in the mediation. mostly I think it would be cool (technology-wise) to see how it would be done, but that would also be a nice heads up to everyone involved. anyone have any ideas? Ted 19:54, 3 March 2006 (UTC)

There is Wikipedia:Mediation_Cabal/Invite but it is applied manually. I think you need a bot to automate this. --Fasten 13:01, 27 April 2006 (UTC)