Media of Macau

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Media in Macau are available to the public in the forms of: television and radio, newspapers, magazines and the Internet. They serve the local community by providing necessary information and entertainment.


[edit] History

The first newspaper that was published in Macau was Abelha da China (Chinese:蜜蜂華報) which was only published for one year.

[edit] Overview

[edit] Print media

There are nine Chinese daily newspapers, three Portuguese dailies and two English daily newspapers in Macau. There are also six Chinese weekly newspapers and one Portuguese weekly newspaper.

  • Macao Daily News - top circulation daily, Chinese-language,
  • Va Kio Daily - privately owned Chinese daily
  • Tai Chung Pou - owned by a group of businessmen
  • Macau Daily Times - owned by the manager of one of Macau's public bus companies
  • Macau Post Daily - Macau's oldest English language daily, owned by media interests
  • Hoje Macau - Portuguese-language daily
  • Jornal Tribuna de Macau - Portuguese-language daily
  • Ponto Final - Portuguese-language daily

Revista Macau is a quarterly magazine with cultural contents and run by the government. Macau Business is one of Macau's oldest English language publications, launched in May 2004, that is published monthly by a private company that also owns Business Intelligence a business magazine in Chinese. Inside Asian Gaming is a monthly gaming magazine, in English. Destination Macau is an English-language magazine promoting the tourism and hospitality sector.

[edit] Broadcast media

See also: List of Chinese language television channels

Teledifusão de Macau was established in 1984, and is owned by the government. They have two television broadcast channels and one radio channel - Radio Macau. The two television channels include a Chinese and a Portuguese channel.

In addition, there are also several private broadcast companies in Macau such as "Radio Vila Verde Lda", "Macau Cable" and two satellite TV companies.

[edit] Media administration

The government of Macau established the Government Information Bureau to regulate media broadcasting and provides support organizations related to this aspect. They are directly responsible to the Chief Executive of Macau.

[edit] Reporters' organizations

There are five journalists organizations in Macau.

[edit] Media education

The University of Macauand the Macau University of Science and Technology offer degree courses in media studies. However, both universities are said to have had little impact on Macau's media landscape so far.

[edit] Internet communities

There are several major internet communities in Macau such as Macaustreet, CTM, Qoos and Macauplus.

[edit] Some discussions about the media

  • Macau's media market is rather small. The local media face strong competitors from Hong Kong.
  • All local newspapers that have been published for at least five years are entitled to subsidies from the government.
  • Macau has reportedly the highest "media density" in the world - eight Chinese-language dailies, three Portuguese-language dailies, two English-language dailies and about half a dozen Chinese-language weeklies and one Portuguese-language weekly. About two dozen newspapers from Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan and the Philippines are shipped to Macau every early morning.
  • Macau's most influential newspapers are said to be the Chinese-language Macao Daily News and Va Kio Pou, the English-language The Macau Post Daily and the Portuguese-language Jornal Tribuna de Macau

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
