Talk:ME/CFS therapies

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[edit] Split

Split article from Chronic fatigue syndrome per talk. I have kept the dispute tag invocation, only changing which tag it invokes as this is no longer a section but a standalone article. As with more than one split off section, the summary in the main article is in much better shape -- work is needed here. -- Strangelv (talk) 02:34, 18 April 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Edits removed for discussion

The following unsourced edits have been removed from the article. If appropriate citations can be found, the material can be considered, Jagra (talk) 07:08, 7 June 2008 (UTC)

"Subsequent studies have shown that CBT is ineffective toward treating CFS. There may be some value in treating any related depression or anxiety. However, researchers have tried to make CFS a psychosomatic disorder when in fact there have been numerous studies proving underlying physiological abnormalities in these patients."
"Subsequent studies have shown GET has no benefit for CFS patients. In fact, patients' symptoms may worsen with aerobic and anaerobic exercise. This may be due to the mitochondrial abnormalities that have been found in patients with this disease. "