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Usage: {{ME-lang |lang= |(root1) |(meaning of root1) |(root2) |(meaning of root2) |(root3) |(meaning of root3) |(root4) |(meaning of root4) |(root5) |(meaning of root5) }}
Recognized languages for the 'lang' parameter are:
Sindarin | S or Sindarin |
Quenya | Q or Quenya |
Adûnaic | A, Adûnaic, or Adunaic |
Westron | W or Westron |
Rohirric | R or Rohirric |
Khuzdul | K or Khuzdul |
Black Speech | BS or Black Speech |
Valarin | V or Valarin |
Example: {{ME-lang |lang=s |for |north |lond |haven }}
(S. 'for'=north, 'lond'=haven)