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User:MaynardClark is Maynard S. Clark of Boston. and Maynard (dot) Clark (at) gmail (dot) com

Maynard S. Clark of Boston has been featured in Marquis's Who's Who since the early 1990s, presumably because of his visionary early-adopter use of new technologies in advancing vegetarianism, vegetarian ideas, and the participatory development of vegetarian community, activities, and social culture. He has been listed also in several Who's Who volumes by competitors of Marquis.

Maynard S. Clark of Boston is employed by the Harvard Medical School of Boston and has been employed there since the 1990s. In the Department of Social Medicine, he serves on the DSM Green Team, the Website Committee, and the DSM Social Committee. He is also employed in Harvard's university-wide Program in Ethics and Health in the Francis X Bagnoud Center for Health & Human Rights in Boston, employed through the Department of Population and International Health in the Harvard School of Public Health. Previously, Maynard had since the turn of the century been Senior Production Coordinator for the Tape Transcription Center, owned by The Skill Bureau, a 40-year old staffing agency in the heart of Boston.

Before attending graduate school at Harvard in Cambridge, where he became vegetarian then vegan (he has continued being vegan for over half his natural life now), he was designated a "most widely-read undergraduate" while at California State University in Hayward (CSUH has since become CSUEB, California State University, East Bay).

As a vegetarian community organizer and planner and developer of events, he helped (with several national vegetarian organizations) to organize several national, continental, and international-scale vegetarian events, such as the 8th International Vegan Festival (in San Diego, CA, in 1995), the Great American Meatout (organized by FARM, where he was regional or national outreach coordinator for several years in a row around the late '80s and early '90s), and the 1996 World Vegetarian Congress (held with NAVS in Johnstown, PA). He also developed the groundwork for the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival, organizing a team and helping directing its first several years of development, before passing the event over to the Boston Vegetarian Society, an organization which he ALSO founded in the mid-1980s. Further, during the late 1990s and the turn of the 21st century, he laid the groundwork of networking, which eventually emerged as the [ Christian Vegetarian Association] (CVA) in 2002, after Rev. Frank L. Hoffman of New York developed the [ website portal], which hosts a CVA mirror site.

He is currently Executive Director of the Vegetarian Resource Center, based in Cambridge, MA, an all-volunteer organization, where he serves without financial compensation. He is also Volunteer Coordinator of the Boston Vegan Association.

He is an avid sudoku player and loves classical music, vegan whole foods cooking, particularly of vegetables, Facebook, blogging, and digital photography. He traveled to India in September 2006 for the IVU's 37th World Vegetarian Congress in Goa, after which he vege-toured three of India's many states: Goa, Karnataka, and Maharashtra (where Mumbai/Bombay is located).

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[edit] Good Health Habits

This user eats cucumbers.
H20 This user drinks water.
This user drinks soy milk.
This user drinks water regularly.
C2H5OH-0 This user is a non-drinker.


V This user is a vegetarian.

This user is vegan.



[edit] Badges

This user is of German ancestry.
This user is of British ancestry.

[edit] Pi

Pi ≈ 3.14159265358979323846264

33832795028841971693993751058 20974944592307816406286208998 62803482534211706798214808651 32823066470938446095505822317 25359408128481117450284102701 93852110555964462294895493038 19644288109756659334461284756 48233786783165271201909145648 56692346038610454326648213393 60726024914127372458700660631 55817488152092096282925409171 53643678925903600113305305488 20466521384146951941511609

[edit] Unpaid (Volunteer) Employment

Massachusetts Cities of Cambridge, Somerville, Medford, and Malden (Recycling committees) Steering Committee of Somerville MA Recycling Committee

[edit] Animal Rights Involvements

[edit] Vegetarian Involvements

[edit] Paid Employment



[edit] Wikipedia Status

[edit] Serious Interests

This user's favourite subject is Philosophy.
This user's favourite subject is Religious Education.
This user's favorite subject is Music.