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A screenshot of the main window, with an example visualization.
A screenshot of the main window, with an example visualization.

MayaVi is a scientific data visualizer written in Python, which utilizes VTK and provides a GUI via Tkinter. MayaVi was developed by Prabhu Ramachandran, is free and distributed under the BSD license. It is cross platform and runs on any platform where both Python and VTK are available (almost any Unix, Mac OS X, or Windows). MayaVi is pronounced as a single name, "Ma-ya-vee", meaning "magician" in sanskrit. The code of MayaVi has nothing in common with that of Maya or Vi.

The successor of MayaVi, called MayaVi2, is a component of the Enthought suite of scientific Python programs.

[edit] Major features

  • visualizes computational grids and scalar, vector, and tensor data
  • an easy-to-use GUI
  • can be imported as a Python module from other Python programs or can be scripted from the Python interpreter
  • supports volume visualization of data via texture and ray cast mappers
  • support for any VTK dataset using the VTK data format
  • support for PLOT3D data
  • multiple datasets can be used simultaneously
  • provides a pipeline browser, with which objects in the VTK pipeline can be browsed and edited
  • imports simple VRML and 3D Studio scenes
  • custom modules and data filters can be added
  • exporting to PostScript files, PPM/BMP/TIFF/JPEG/PNG images, Open Inventor, Geomview OOGL, VRML files, and Wavefront OBJ or RenderMan RIB file

[edit] External links