May Louise Cowles

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May Louise Cowels
May Louise Cowels

May Louise Cowles (1892-1978) was an economist, researcher, author, and advocate of Home Economics. She had many submissions published in the Journal of Home Economics, the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, and Rural Sociology. She also produced several widely-read pamphlets including Meeting Housing Needs of Older People in Rural Areas (1957) and spoke at a string of national seminars to encourage the addition of family economics to home economics instruction across the United States.

May was born on September 25, 1892 in Sibley, Kansas. She attended Kansas State Agricultural College where she earned a B.S. in home economics in 1912 and entered the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1915 to earn her master's degree in home economics.

From 1926 to 1929 Cowles studied for her Ph.D. in economics at the University of Chicago. Her Ph.D. dissertation investigated the economics of clothing consumption and whether consumer behavior could be classified according to "laws."

Kansas State University recognized her contributions to home economics and her participation in the field by awarding her the Distinguished Service Award for "outstanding achievement in home economics" in 1959.

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