User:Matthew ave jor/this will be something

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And now it is


[edit] Ingressive speech

Ingressive speech (IS) is when sound are articulated with the flow of are in opposition to the flow that would be experienced during normal speech. The air used to voice the speech will be drawn in rather than puched out. Ingressive speech can be either glottal, veleric or pulumnic.

[edit] Ocurrunce

IS occurs in many languages, being verf frequently associated with the scandinavian languages, despite it being a very common phenomenon. The majority of words that are subject to IS are feedback words or very short or primal( a cry of pain, sobbing). It also sometimes occurs in rapid counting, in order to maintain a steady air flow throughout a long seris of unbroken sounds. It is also very common else where in the animal kingdom, frogs, dogs and cats(purring).

[edit] In Speech

Tsou and Damin have both claimed to posses an ingressive phoneme, niether if these claims has been validated to date, and the Tsou claim has been nearlyu disproved. There are claims of some Tohono_O'odham women speaking entierly ingressivly.[citation needed]

[edit] sources

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