Matthew Freeman

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Matthew Freeman, also known as Matt, is the main protagonist of the Anthony Horowitz, The Power of Five novels, Raven's Gate and Evil Star. He also briefly appeared in the third book of the series, Nightrise. He is 14 years old and is destined to become the leader of "The Five".


[edit] Early life

Matthew Freeman spent the first few years of his life growing up with his kind and loving parents. They were of comfortable financial stature, though they were not rich. On the morning of the wedding of a family friend, Matt claimed he was ill (when really what had happened was that he had had a premonition of his parents death, and did not want to go with them.) and was left with a neighbour while his parents went. Matt reveals to the disbelieving neighbour the details of an accident in which his parents are killed. Soon after a Police Officer arrived and informed them that his parents car had toppled off a bridge and that both his parents were dead.

He was fostered by his Aunt Gwenda and her boyfriend, Brian who spent his inheritance on luxuries. They then started to abuse and neglect him when the money ran out. His performance at school suffered accordingly and he soon fell under the influence of a local thug Kelvin, who encouraged him to take to stealing, truancy, vandalism and petty crime.

[edit] Raven's Gate

After a botched warehouse theft which culminated in the stabbing of a security guard, Matt was placed on the LEAF project(Learning,Education Achieved through Fostering. He was placed in the care of Jayne Deverill, an old lady who lived in Lesser Malling. Taking an immediate dislike to her, Matt tried to escape several times but did not succeed. After spending three days in a fever hearing people talk about him in a sinister fashion and seeing an odd ritual going on in the remains of an abandoned nuclear power plant he went to see Richard Cole, a local journalist. Richard Cole the journalist does not believe him and leaves him back on his own. After speaking with the nuclear plant's creator and two members from the shadowy organization known as the Nexus, Matt realized that he was one of five Gatekeepers, reincarnated after ten thousand years. In the past, mankind fought a final battle with the Old Ones, extradimensional demons that oppressed, slaughtered and imprisoned civilization. Before Matt could ask further questions, he was captured, dragged inside Omega One and tied upon an altar with a cross of Jesus Christ hanging above him upsidedown. Matt was now going to be sacrificed with a sacrificial knife as his blood, along with satanic rituals and a nuclear explosion were used to open the gate. However, before the Old Ones could escape, Matt managed to trigger his power and stopped the knife from going through his heart. After this the vacuum created by the nuclear explosion sucked the Old Ones back in along with the villagers. But a furious Mrs. Deverill (who had escaped before the nuclear explosion occurred) chased Matt and Richard down stairs into a room with an acid pool. Mrs. Deverill managed to knock Richard out and Matt and Mrs. Deverill had a fight which ended in Mrs. Deverill about to crush Matt's windpipe with an extremely heavy pole, but Richard awoke and pushed Mrs. Deverill in the pool of acid. After this incident, Matt began living with Richard Cole, supported by the Nexus.

[edit] Evil Star

Several weeks later, Matt was attending a private school, financed by Nexus, and was attacked by his apparently demon possessed Aunt, who blew up a petrol tanker to try kill him. He escaped and was sent to Peru, in order to prevent Diego Salamanda from opening the second gate, built into the Nazca plains. Despite aid from the remnants of the Incas and a second Gatekeeper known as Pedro, the Old Ones escaped. While fighting them Matt was placed into a coma, which he only pulled out of with Pedro's healing powers.

[edit] Nightrise

Matt only made a very brief appearance in Nightrise when he was in a coma and at the end of the book when he and Pedro met Jamie and Scott.

[edit] Necropilis: City of the Dead

In the fourth book a whole part of the novel is dedicated to Matt and the fourth book which is called Necropoilis: City of the Dead is split into three parts and the second part is narrated in first person by Matt as he tries to track down Scarlett Adams (Scarlett is the Fifth member of the Five) who is being held hostage as bait by the Old Ones. The Old Ones are keeping Scarlett hostage as bait in a trap to capture Matt. The first part of the novel is narrated by Scarlett and is about her experiences with the Old Ones and the second part is about Matt trying to track Scarlett down and the third part is told in third person by the author and is about the climax when Matt tracks Scarlett and the Old Ones down. It is unknown what happens when Matt finds Scarlett and the Old Ones. Necropilis: City of the Dead is due out in the UK on 21 October 2008.

[edit] Past Life

In his past life Matt was the leader of 'the Five'. He alone had knowledge of the Old Ones and how to defeat them, though the source of this knowledge has not been revealed so far. Unlike the other Gatekepers of that period, Matt was referred to by his modern name, saying "he likes that one better." This starts the argument that Matt could have some kind of divine name as the past battle with the Old Ones was so long ago that myth may have been past down depicting Matt as a God or another celestial being. This is highly likely as Pedro's past life, Inti, was worshipped by the Incas.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

Matt is a member of 'The 5', and is a very advanced telekinetic. Matt does not have full control over his abilities and it is stated it can only work when he smells something burning. He can manipulate almost any object with his mind and was able to create energy blasts while fighting the Old Ones in Peru. He also occasionally gets precognitive dreams. His past self is a highly advanced warrior and leader, commanding absolute loyalty from his followers. According to fellow Gatekeeper, Scar, "there's not a single man alive who wouldn't give his life for Matt."

[edit] References