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Matsyasana, or Fish Pose, is a Yoga posture. It is commonly considered counter-pose to Sarvangasana, or shoulder stand, specifically within the context of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Primary Series.

The posture itself is in the category of backbends, where the practitioner lies on his or her back and lifts the heart (anahata) chakra by rising up on the elbows and drawing the shoulders back. The neck is lengthened, and the crown of the head Sahasrara chakra is "pointed" toward the wall behind the practioner. As the arch of the back deepens with practice, and the heart and throat open further, the top of the head may brush the ground, but no weight should rest upon it.

In a more advanced version of the asana, the legs are lifted with toes pointed and they are held about 6 inches off the ground.

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