Matrix (biology)

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In biology, matrix (plural: matrices) is the material between animal or plant cells, the material (or tissue) in which more specialized structures are embedded, and a specific part of the mitochondrion that is the site of oxidation of organic molecules. The internal structure of connective tissues is an extracellular matrix. Finger nails and toenails grow from matrices.


[edit] Tissue matrices

[edit] Extracellular matrix

Main article: Extracellular matrix

The molecules forming the "glue" between cells in connective tissues are summarily referred to as the extracellular matrix.

[edit] Bone matrix

Main article: Osteon

Bone is a form of connective tissue found in the body and has a storage area, or osteon region, also called matrix that allows mineral salts such as calcium to be stored.

[edit] Subcellular matrices

[edit] Mitochondrial matrix

Main article: Mitochondrial matrix

In the mitochondrion, the matrix contains soluble enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of pyruvate and other small organic molecules.

[edit] Nuclear matrix

Main article: Nuclear matrix

In the cell nucleus the matrix is the insoluble fraction that remains after extracting the soluble proteins and digesting the DNA.

[edit] Golgi matrix

The Golgi matrix is a protein scaffold made up of golgins on the cytoplasmic side of the Golgi apparatus involved in keeping its shape and membrane stacking.

[edit] Matrix (medium)

A matrix is also a medium in which bacteria are grown (cultured). For instance, a Petri dish of agar may be the matrix for culturing a sample swabbed from a patient's throat.

[edit] See also

[edit] Tissues and cells

[edit] Molecular biology

[edit] Bioinformatics and sequence evolution

[edit] Botany and agriculture

[edit] Population biology and ecology
