Mathematical Kangaroo

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Mathematical Kangaroo (also International Mathematical Kangaroo) is an international mathematical competition with more than 30 countries that take an active part. There are eleven levels of participation: from grade 2 to grade 12. The competition is held annually at the third Thursday in March. According to the organizers, the key competence tested by the Kangaroo is logically combining, pure knowledge of formulas is not sufficient. Because of the raising popularity of the Mathematical Kangaroo in nearly all participating countries, it is currently the most participated scholar math competition: 3,940,000 students from 36 countries took part; in 2007 Canada, Cyprus, Ecuador, Greece, India and Kyrgyzstan joined.


[edit] Execution

The competition is executed as a 75-minute multiple choice test, consisting of 30 questions (21 up to 4th grade) equally divided among the categories of 3-point-, 4-point- and 5-point-questions. 5 solutions are given, exactly one of them being correct. One is given the respective points for choosing the correct answer, 0 points for not answering and a quarter of the respective points are taken off for choosing a wrong answer. Each participant is given 30 base points at the beginning (21 up to 4th grade) so that the minimum number of points at the end is 0. The maximum number is 150 (105) points.

[edit] Prizes

Evaluation and collecting of results as well as the prizes are regulated and organized nationally. Special prizes are given for the “longest kangaroo jump” (the highest number of consecutive correct answer) for each school.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links