Mat Rempit

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One of Mat Rempit's favourite 'Aerodynamic Pose' a.k.a. 'Superman' seen on the streets of Malaysia.
One of Mat Rempit's favourite 'Aerodynamic Pose' a.k.a. 'Superman' seen on the streets of Malaysia.

A Mat Rempit is a Malaysian term for 'an individual who participates in illegal street racing', usually involving underbone motorcycles (colloquially known as Kapcai) or scooters. Not all Mat Rempits are involved in street racing; some of them simply ride their motorcycles in a dangerous and haphazard manner for fun.

Mat Rempits usually travel in groups and race in bustling city centres on weekend nights. In recent times, Mat Rempits have been linked to gangsterism, gang robbery[1][2], street fighting, vandalism, theft, bullying and rape. Most motorcycles used by the Mat Rempits do not meet standard specifications, or have been modified extensively.

Additionally, some Mat Rempits do not have valid motorcycle licenses, do not pay road taxes, and ride stolen motorcycles[3][4]. A growing number of housing estates have also been turned into racing tracks[5]. It is estimated that there are about 200,000 Mat Rempits in Malaysia[6].

In some other countries, the term Mat Rempit is also used, but more to refer to one as a motorcycle lover or rider (Mat Motor), as opposed to an illegal motorcycle racer. Sometime the terms of Mat Rempit misused to refer any individual who rides an underbone motorcycle.


[edit] Etymology

The word 'Rempit' came from the combination of ramp it (ramp the throttle). The definition of 'Rempit' in Kamus Dewan[1] is menyebat dengan rotan in malay or whipping with cane. An alternative source of the word, 'Rempit', is derived from the noise made by a 2-stroke motorcycle. 'Mat' is a malay slang term to call or to refer to a person who usually is of Malay descent but usually used derogatorily.

[edit] Pop Culture

Mat Rempit is the focus of several Malaysian films:

[edit] Songs aiming Mat Rempits

  • Spider - Salut (From Bintang 12)
  • Namewee - Kawanku
  • Yazer featuring Doul - Rempit
  • Ustaz Akhil Hayy Rawa - Relaku Rempit (parodying Spider's song called Relaku Pujuk)
  • JJ and Rudy (The Morning Crew) from - Not So Furious (parodying Teriyaki Boyz's called Tokyo Drift)

Deejays JJ and Rudy (The Morning Crew) from radio station have made a parody of Teriyaki Boyz's called We're Not So Furious, designed to mock Mat Rempit culture.

Mat Rempit was also the main influence for the song "Salut" by the Malaysian band, Spider, in their album Bintang 12

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
