From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Finally, I have got this up and running. When everyone else is doing it, why can’t I?Joking aside, I started this page to share my knowledge about search engine optimization with other SEOs and to talk about current happenings in the SEO circles. There sure is a lot going on in SEO that needs […]
Link Baiting Techniques
One of best and from far most the effective way to win links for your web site or too blogs is link baiting ideas.
What do you mean by link baiting?
This is a new idea, which is carried out by the webmasters, in order to win popularity for their blogs/web page. Like all of you know, attention are weathered to receive an old trick, in the material life or on-line. Politician uses this frequently, in order to remain in the Limelight. This same guideline applies to the websites, which attracts in addition.
There are two different flavors in link baiting, good and bad. The good are those, to of messages first to cause like, scams putting out and cause message, which surprises everyone. Bad one are those, which you cause a controversy or attach somewhat prominent procurement nesses in yours blogs. It does not think that you try, traffic for winning really hurt everyone. These kinds of cheat gets in 1000’s of web site/blogs. Some Link Baiting Idea’s:
* Make a valuable resource (lists, special reports, history of, how to, etc.) * Interview (e-mail/phone) prominent people and publish it. * Build a useful tool * Write an interesting article * Run a newsworthy ‘event’ such as a contest * Test something new that has not been done before * Be the first in doing something on the internet * Write something controversial * Be the first to write the latest news in your niche * Be the first to expose a scammer * Disagree with an authority * Write some funny humor * Make an interesting picture * Be the first to research and document something * Make a theme, plugin or piece of software * Make a tool that others can put on their sites but that links to you * Make a joke about a known person * Make a resource that is just in time for a major event * Write an outrageous theory and back it up with logics * Write useful comments on something that is happening * Give something valuable for free * Coin a new acronym in your niche and get people to talk about it * Become an expert in your niche and write valuable information