Masanjia Labor Camp

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Masanjia Labor Camp is in Masanjia Town in Yuhong district in Liaoning province. [1] It also is called Ideology Education School of Liaoning Province. [2] It is claimed there has been a hungerstrike. [3] This is denied by a spokesman of the Chinese embassy in the United States. [4] The Labor Camp includes a women’s section. [5] The main business of the Women's section is textile production. [6] It is claimed, that several thousands Falun Gong pratictioners werde detained over the past eight years (2007). [7] The workshops there have mainly processed and produced toxic arts and crafts products for illegally-gained profit, many of them for export, over the past few years. [8] The directors are at least Sun Fengwu, Zhang Chaoying and Su Jing(2003). [9] According to the People's Daily it is the institution most heavily attacked by Li Hongzhi and his organisation. [10] The Falun Gong organisation abroad claimed many members of Falun Gong had been tortured. [11] It is near Sujiatun prison camp. [12] Inmates lead an easy life according to the People's Daily. [13] Most Masanjia Labor Camp Falun Gong practitioners have been moved to Sujiatun Concentration Camp. [14] Masanjia Labor camp has been mentioned in a U.N. Special Rapporteur report. [15] It is connected to Masanjia Xinsheng Farm. [16] Eighteen female practitioners were stripped naked and forced into the cells of male criminals to be repeatedly raped and abused. [17]

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