From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. In Internet Explorer and Firefox, hold down the Ctrl key and click the Refresh or Reload button. Opera users have to clear their caches through Tools→Preferences, see the instructions for Opera. Konqueror and Safari users can just click the Reload button.
/* MEH version of User:Lupin/recent2.js Change log: 0.1 Distinguish this as mine to highlight cache updates. 0.2 Try pairing <p> with </p>. 0.3 Try changing <p> to <br /> 1.0 Copied User:Lupin/recent2.js 06:35, 6 June 2007 Included p -> br change. 1.1 Added version to status message. 1.1.01 Try previous version User:Lupin/recent2.js 01:43, 4 June 2007 Included p -> br change. Added version to status message. 1.2 Try latest version User:Lupin/recent2.js 12:08, 15 June 2007 Included p -> br change. Added version to updating message. 1.3 Update to latest version of User:Lupin/recent2.js 08:35, 17 June 2007 Included p -> br change. Added version to updating message. 1.4 Update to latest version of User:Lupin/recent2.js 18:35, 14 August 2007 Included p -> br change. Added version to updating message. 1.4.01 Added commented out quotes to limit syntax colouring SNAFUs. 1.5 Update to latest version of User:Lupin/recent2.js 02:30, 22 November 2007 Included p -> br change, scSNAFUs and version message. */ MEHr2ver='MEH v1.5'; /* This tool hits the RSS feed for recent changes every 30 seconds or so and checks for common vandalism. It does not make a separate server request for every edit. Currently, the RSS feed is full of holes and so this may miss many edits. */ // <pre><nowiki> recent2={ // Edit these to your liking. // Make sure there's a comma at the end of each line. badwordsUrl: 'User:Lupin/badwords', filterPage: 'User:Lupin/Filter_recent_changes', allRecentPage: 'User:Lupin/All_recent_changes', recentIPPage: 'User:Lupin/Recent_IP_edits', monitorWatchlistPage: 'User:Lupin/Monitor_my_watchlist', spelldictUrl: 'Wikipedia:Lists_of_common_misspellings/For_machines', spelldictPage: 'User:Lupin/Live_spellcheck', safePages: '[Ww]ikipedia:([Ii]ntroduction|[Ss]andbox|[Tt]utorial[^/]*/sandbox)', linkify: true, // leave this alone dummy: null }; { // mandatory: bundle.url // optional: bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle) // optional: bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle) // optional: bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure var x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : false; if (x) { x.onreadystatechange=function() { x.readyState==4 && recent2.downloadComplete(x,bundle); };"GET",bundle.url,true); x.send(null); } return x; } recent2.downloadComplete=function(x,bundle) { x.status==200 && ( bundle.onSuccess && bundle.onSuccess(x,bundle) || true ) || ( bundle.onFailure && bundle.onFailure(x,bundle) || alert(x.statusText)); }; if (! recent2.outputPosition) { recent2.outputPosition=''; } window.gettingBadWords=false; window.badWords=null; // paths if ( typeof(wgServer)!='string' || typeof(wgArticlePath)!='string' || typeof(wgScriptPath)!='string') { recent2.articlePath= 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/wiki/'; recent2.scriptPath= 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/'; } else { recent2.articlePath=wgServer+wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, ''); recent2.scriptPath=wgServer+wgScriptPath+'/'; } recent2.getBadWords=function() { window.gettingBadWords=true;{ url: recent2.scriptPath + 'index.php?title=' + recent2.badwordsUrl + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css&max-age=7200', // reload every 2 h onSuccess: recent2.processBadWords, onFailure: function () { setTimeout(recent2.getBadWords, 15000); return true;}}); } window.diffCellRe=RegExp("<td class=\\\"diff-marker\\\">\\+<\\/td>\\s*" + "<td\\b[^>]*>\\s*<div>\\s*(.*?)\\s*<\\/div>\\s*<\\/td>", 'gi'); // processBadWords: generate the badWords RegExp from // the downloaded data. // d is the xmlhttprequest object from the download recent2.processBadWords=function(d) { var data=d.responseText.split('\n'); var phrase=[]; var string=[]; for (var i=0; i<data.length; ++i) { var s=data[i]; // ignore empty lines, whitespace-only lines and lines starting with '<' if (/^\s*$|^</.test(s)) { continue; } // lines beginning and ending with a (back-)slash (and possibly trailing // whitespace) are treated as regexps if (/^([\\\/]).*\1\s*$/.test(s)) { var isPhrase=(s.charAt(0)=='/'); // remove slashes and trailing whitespace s=s.replace(/^([\\\/])|([\\\/]\s*$)/g, ''); // escape opening parens: ( -> (?: s=s.replace(/\(?!\?/g, '(?:'); // check that s represents a valid regexp try { var r=new RegExp(s); } catch (err) { var errDiv=newOutputDiv('recent2_error', recent2.outputPosition); errDiv.innerHTML='Warning: ignoring odd-looking regexp on line '+i +' of <a href="/wiki/' + recent2.badwordsUrl + '">badwords</a>:<pre>' + s + '</pre>'; continue; } if (isPhrase) phrase.push(s); else string.push(s); } else { // treat this line as a non-regexp and escape it. phrase.push(s.replace(RegExp('([-|.()\\+:!,?*^${}\\[\\]])', 'g'), '\\$1')); } } // 123 3 2|4 4|5 56 67 71 // ((( repeated char ) )|( ... | strings | ... )|( border )( ... | phrases | ... )( border )) window.badWords=RegExp("((([^\\-\\|\\{\\}\\].\\s'=wI:*#0-9a-f])\\3{2,})|(" + string.join('|') + ")|(^|[^/\\w])(" + phrase.join('|') + ")(?![/\\w]))", 'gi'); }; window.gettingWatchlist=false; recent2.watchlist=null; recent2.getWatchlist=function() { window.gettingWatchlist=true;{url: recent2.articlePath + 'Special:Watchlist/raw', onSuccess: recent2.processWatchlist, onFailure: function () { setTimeout(getWatchlist, 15000); return true; }}); }; recent2.processWatchlist=function(req, bundle) { var watchlist={}; var lines=req.responseText.split('\n'); var inList=false; var article = ''; for (var i=0; i < lines.length; ++i) { if (inList || lines[i].indexOf('<textarea id="titles"')== 0) { if (inList && lines[i].indexOf('</textarea>') == 0) { window.watchlist = watchlist; return; } if (!inList) { inList = true; article = lines[i].replace (/^.*>/, ''); } else { article=lines[i]; } watchlist[article] = true; } } }; window.gettingSpelldict=false; window.spelldict=null; recent2.getSpelldict=function() { window.gettingSpelldict=true;{url: recent2.scriptPath + 'index.php?title=' + recent2.spelldictUrl + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css', onSuccess: recent2.processSpelldict, onFailure: function () { setTimeout(getSpelldict, 15000); return true; }}); }; recent2.processSpelldict=function(req, bundle) { var spelldict={}; var lines=req.responseText.split('\n'); var a=[]; for (var i=0; i<lines.length; ++i) { var split=lines[i].split('->'); if (split.length<2) { continue; } split[1]=split.slice(1).join('->').split(/, */); split[0]=split[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^\s*/, ''); spelldict[split[0]]=split[1]; a.push(split[0]); } window.spelldict=spelldict; window.spellRe=RegExp('\\b(' + a.join('|') + ')\\b', 'i'); }; recent2.feed=recent2.scriptPath + 'index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss&action=purge'; window.newOutputDiv=function(klass, position, immortal) { var h1=document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]; var ret=document.createElement('div'); if (klass) { ret.className=klass; } if (!position) { position='bottom'; } switch(position) { case 'top': h1.parentNode.insertBefore(ret, h1.nextSibling); break; case 'bottom': h1.parentNode.appendChild(ret); break; default: if (!newOutputDiv.alerted) { alert('Unknown position '+position+' in recent2.js, newOutputDiv'); window.newOutputDiv.alerted=true; } return newOutputDiv(klass, 'bottom'); } if (!immortal) {; } window.outputDivs.push(ret); return ret; }; window.newOutputDiv.alerted=false; window.newOutputDiv.uid=0; window.outputDivs=[]; window.grabRecentChanges=function(feed) { if (! window.badWords && recent2.filter_badwords ) { if ( ! window.gettingBadWords ) { recent2.getBadWords(); } return setTimeout(function(){grabRecentChanges(feed);}, 500); } if (! window.watchlist && recent2.filter_watchlist) { if (! window.gettingWatchlist ) recent2.getWatchlist(); return setTimeout(function(){grabRecentChanges(feed);}, 500); } if (! window.spelldict && recent2.filter_spelling) { if (! window.gettingSpelldict) recent2.getSpelldict(); return setTimeout(function(){grabRecentChanges(feed);}, 500); } var pos=recent2.outputPosition; if (pos=='top') { var output=newOutputDiv('recent2.lines', pos); var status=newOutputDiv('recent2.status', pos); } else { var status=newOutputDiv('recent2.status', pos); var output=newOutputDiv('recent2.lines', pos); }'solid';'orange'; status.innerHTML=greyFont+'(' + recent2.count + ') ' + MEHr2ver + ' updating...</font>'; // this abort stuff doesn't work properly for some reason... //recent2.lastFeedDownload && recent2.lastFeedDownload.abort(); // } catch (summatNasty) { /* do nothing */ }{url: feed, onSuccess: processRecentChanges, output: output, status: status, onFailure: feedFailed}); }; var greyFont='<font color="#777">'; window.feedFailed=function(x,bundle) { try { bundle.status.innerHTML+=greyFont+'failed: '+x.statusText + '</font>'; } catch (err) { bundle.status.innerHTML+=greyFont+'failed badly: '+err+'</font>'; } return true; }; recent2.newWindows=true; window.linkmaker=function(url, text) { var s='<a href="' + url + '"'; recent2.newWindows && (s += ' target="_blank"'); s += '>' + text + '</a>'; return s; }; recent2.ipUserRegex=RegExp('(User:)?((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\\.){3}' + '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])'); recent2.outputSeparator='<hr>'; recent2.delayedLines={}; recent2.delay=0; recent2.templateNamespace = 'Template'; recent2.namespaces={'Media':1, "Special":1, "User":1, "User talk":1, "Wikipedia":1, "Wikipedia talk":1, "Image":1, "Image talk":1, "MediaWiki":1, "MediaWiki talk":1, "Template":1, "Template talk":1, "Help":1, "Help talk":1, "Category":1, "Category talk":1, "Portal":1, "Portal talk":1}; window.processRecentChanges=function(req, bundle){; recent2.latest=processRecentChanges.lastDate; var doc; if (doc=req.responseXML.documentElement) { if (recent2.items=doc.getElementsByTagName('item')) { if ((recent2.itemsCurrent=recent2.items.length) > 0) { recent2.bundleRef = bundle; processRecentChangesSingle(); // start processing one diff every 50 ms return; } } } processRecentChangesDisplay(bundle); return; } recent2.safePagesRe=new RegExp('^' + recent2.safePages + '$'); recent2.changeDelay=50; // delay between processing each diff, in ms window.nextChangeSoon=function(rightNow) { setTimeout(processRecentChangesSingle, rightNow ? 0 : recent2.changeDelay); }; // process single diff items delayed by a short timespan window.processRecentChangesSingle=function(){ recent2.itemsCurrent--; var i = recent2.itemsCurrent; var items = recent2.items; if (i < 0) { processRecentChangesDisplay(recent2.bundleRef); return; } var timestamp = Date.parse(getFirstTagContent(items[i],'pubDate')); if (timestamp <= processRecentChanges.lastDate) { nextChangeSoon(true); return; } recent2.latest = (timestamp > recent2.latest) ? timestamp : recent2.latest; var diffText=getFirstTagContent(items[i],'description').split('</tr>').join('</tr>\n'); var editSummary=diffText.replace(RegExp('^<p>(.*?)</p>[\\s\\S]*'), '$1'); var editor=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'creator') || getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'dc:creator'); if (recent2.ignore_my_edits && wgUserName==editor) { return; } // NB article is the link attribute - a fully qualified URL // strip out the &diff=...&oldid=... bit to leave only ?title=... var article=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'link').split('&')[0]; if (recent2.delayedLines[article] && recent2.delayedLines[article].editor != editor) { delete recent2.delayedLines[article]; } if (recent2.filter_anonsOnly && !recent2.ipUserRegex.test(editor)) { nextChangeSoon(true); return; } // articleTitle is the wgTitle thingy with spaces and all that var articleTitle=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'title'); //'articleTitle=%s', articleTitle); if (recent2.ignore_safe_pages && recent2.safePagesRe.test(articleTitle)) { //console.warn('Ignoring safe page %s', article); nextChangeSoon(true); return; } if (recent2.hideNonArticles) { var namespace=articleTitle.replace(/:.*/, ''); if (recent2.namespaces[namespace] && ( ( recent2.showTemplates && namespace != recent2.templateNamespace ) || ! recent2.showTemplates )) { nextChangeSoon(true); return; } } // perhaps ignore talk pages if (! recent2.show_talkpages && articleTitle && /^Talk:|^[^:]*?[_ ]talk:/.test(articleTitle)) { nextChangeSoon(true); return; } // perhaps restrict to watchlist articles if (recent2.filter_watchlist && articleTitle && ! window.watchlist[articleTitle.replace(/^Talk:/, '').replace(/[ _]talk:/, ':')]) { nextChangeSoon(true); return; } // filter against badwords regexp if (recent2.filter_badwords) { var badMatch=null; var diffCell=null; var previousVandal= window.vandals[editor]; var matchesRe=''; var matchesPlain=''; diffCellRe.lastIndex=0; while (diffCell=diffCellRe.exec(diffText)) { // get content of addition table cells, faster than direct fulltext search badWords.lastIndex=0; // .test() is meant to be faster than a full match if (badMatch=badWords.test(diffCell[1])) { break; } } if (badMatch===true || previousVandal) { badWords.lastIndex=0; var reMatch; while (diffCell && (reMatch=badWords.exec(diffCell[1]))) { var badWord=reMatch[2] || reMatch[4] || reMatch[6] || ''; if (articleTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf(badWord.toLowerCase())<0) { // avoid legit article title occurrences badWord=badWord.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (badWord!='') { matchesPlain+=badWord+', '; badWord=badWord.replace(/([^\w ])/g, '\\$1'); matchesRe+=badWord+'|'; } } } matchesRe=matchesRe.replace(/\|$/, ''); matchesPlain=matchesPlain.replace(/, $/, ''); if (!previousVandal && matchesRe=='') { nextChangeSoon(); return; } // highlighting var highlighted=diffCell && diffCell[1]; if (matchesRe) { highlighted=highlighted.replace(RegExp('('+matchesRe+')', 'g'), '<span style="background-color: #FF6">$1</span>'); } articleTitle=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'title'); // linkify highlighted=recent2.doLinkify(highlighted); diffText=recent2.doLinkify(diffText); if (previousVandal) { matchesPlain = '[Previously rolled back this editor] ' + matchesPlain; } recent2.delayedLines[article]={ timestamp: timestamp, article:article, count:recent2.count, articleTitle:articleTitle, editor:editor, badWord:matchesPlain, badDiffFragment:highlighted, diff:diffText, summary:editSummary }; } } else if (recent2.filter_spelling) { var splMatch=null; while (diffCell=diffCellRe.exec(diffText)) { if (splMatch=spellRe.test(diffCell[1])) { break; } } if (splMatch) { splMatch = diffCell[1].match(spellRe); var misspelling = splMatch[1]; //.replace(/^\s*/, ''); var badWord = '<a href=\'javascript:recent2.correctSpelling("' + articleTitle.split("'").join("%27") + '","'+misspelling.split("'").join("%27")+'")\'>'+ misspelling + '</a>'; diffText = diffText.replace(RegExp('('+misspelling+')', 'gi'), '<span style="background-color: #FF6">$1</span>'); // linkify diffText=recent2.doLinkify(diffText); recent2.delayedLines[article] = { timestamp: timestamp, article:article, count:recent2.count, articleTitle:articleTitle, editor:editor, badWord:badWord, badDiffFragment:'', diff:diffText, summary: editSummary }; } } else { var article=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'link'); var articleTitle=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'title'); if (recent2.CustomFilter && ! recent2.CustomFilter({timestamp:timestamp, article:article, articleTitle:articleTitle, editor:editor, diff:diffText, summary:editSummary})) { nextChangeSoon(); return; } // linkify diffText=recent2.doLinkify(diffText); recent2.delayedLines[article]={ timestamp: timestamp, article:article, count:recent2.count, articleTitle:articleTitle, editor:editor, diff:diffText, summary:editSummary }; } // schedule next iteration nextChangeSoon(); return; } window.processRecentChangesDisplay=function(bundle){ var output=recent2.getDelayedLineOutput(); //console.log(output); var outputString=''; if (recent2.outputPosition=='top') { outputString=output.join(recent2.outputSeparator); } else { for (var i=output.length-1; i>=0; --i) { outputString+=output[i] + (i>0 ? recent2.outputSeparator : '') ; } } bundle.output.innerHTML+=outputString; if (recent2.wait_for_output) { recent2.pauseOutput(); } setTimeout(function() {recent2.doPopups(bundle.output)}, 300); // overlap better than missing some out, i think; FIXME do this properly processRecentChanges.lastDate=recent2.latest; // - 1; var statusTail=greyFont+'done up to ' + formatTime(recent2.latest) + '</font>'; if ( > recent2.initialId) { statusTail+=' <a href="javascript:showHideDetailRange(' + recent2.initialId + ',' + + ')">toggle these details</a> |'; if (recent2.autoexpand) { setTimeout( function() { /* document.title=initialId+' '; */ showHideDetailRange(recent2.initialId,; }, 250 ); } } statusTail += ' <a href="javascript:deleteEarlierOutputDivs(' + + ')">remove earlier output</a>'; if (recent2.wait_for_output) { statusTail += ' | <a href="javascript:recent2.unpauseOutputOnce()">show new output</a>'; } statusTail+='<br>'; bundle.status.innerHTML+=statusTail; return; } // linkify and popupsify wikilinks recent2.doLinkify=function(txt) { if (!txt || !recent2.linkify) { return txt; } var inheritColor='color:inherit;color:expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color)'; var externalLinkStyle='text-decoration:none;' var internalLinkStyle='text-decoration:none;' externalLinkStyle=internalLinkStyle='text-decoration:none;border-bottom: 1px dotted;'; txt=txt.replace(/((https?|ftp):(\/\/[^\[\]\{\}\(\)<>\s&=\?#%]+|<[^>]*>)+)/g, function (p,p1) { p1=p1.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ''); var url=encodeURI(p1); url=url.replace(/\"/g, '%22'); // Fix syntax colouring SNAFU: " url=url.replace(/\'/g, '%27'); // Fix syntax colouring SNAFU: ' url=url.replace(/#/g, '%23'); var ti=p1.replace(/\"/g, '"'); // Fix syntax colouring SNAFU: " return('<a href="'+url+'" style="' + externalLinkStyle + inheritColor + '" title="'+ti+'">'+p+'</a>'); }); // BUG: doLinkify('[[123<span style="color:red">]] badword</span> blah blah') // gives '<a href=/wiki/123 ... >[[123<span style="color:red">]]</a> badword</span> blah blah' // and the browser closes the <span> inside the </a>, so the badword is not red! txt=txt.replace(/((\[\[)([^\|\[\]\{\}\n]*)([^\]\n]*)(]\]))/g, function (p,p1,p2,p3) { p3=p3.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ''); var url=encodeURI(p3); url=url.replace(/\"/g, '%22'); // Fix syntax colouring SNAFU: " url=url.replace(/\'/g, '%27'); // Fix syntax colouring SNAFU: ' url=url.replace(/#/g, '%23'); url=recent2.articlePath+url; var ti=p3.replace(/\"/g, '"'); // Fix syntax colouring SNAFU: " return('<a href="'+url+'" style="' + internalLinkStyle + inheritColor + '" title="'+ti+'">'+p+'</a>'); }); return(txt); } processRecentChanges.lastDate=0;; recent2.getDelayedLineOutput=function() { var ret=[]; var; for (var a in recent2.delayedLines) { if (recent2.delayedLines[a] && typeof recent2.delayedLines[a].count == typeof 1 && recent2.count - recent2.delayedLines[a].count >= recent2.delay) { recent2.delayedLines[a].id=id++; var line=(recent2.doLine(recent2.delayedLines[a])); if (line) { ret.push(line); } delete recent2.delayedLines[a]; } }; return ret; } window.deleteEarlierOutputDivs=function(cur) { for(var i=0; i<outputDivs.length; ++i) { if (!outputDivs[i] || !outputDivs[i].id) continue; if (outputDivs[i].id >= 0 && outputDivs[i].id < cur) { // FIXME BUG: if we go from the bottom up, then we'll delete one too many or too few, or something :-) outputDivs[i].parentNode.removeChild(outputDivs[i]); outputDivs[i]=null; } } // scroll to the top if we're appending output to the bottom, to keep the div we've clicked visible after the deletions if (recent2.outputPosition!='top') document.location='#'; } window.showHideDetailRange=function(start,end) { // use the first div to see if we should show or hide var div=document.getElementById('diff_div_' + start); if (!div) {alert('no such div: diff_div_' + start); return; } var state=false; // hide if ('none') state=true; // show for (var i=start; i<end; ++i) { showHideDetail(i, true, state); } } window.toggleSysopEdits=function() { var divs=document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i=0; i<divs.length; ++i) { if (divs[i].className=='sysop_edit_line') divs[i].style.display= ( toggleSysopEdits.hidden ? 'none' : 'inline' ); } toggleSysopEdits.hidden = ! toggleSysopEdits.hidden; } window.bundles={}; window.vandalColour = function(vandal) { var num=window.vandals[vandal]; if (!num) return ''; switch (num) { case 1: return '#DDFFDD'; case 2: return '#BBFFBB'; } var i= 9-(num - 3) *2; if (i < 0) i=0; return '#' + i + i + 'FF' + i + i; } window.clickDetails=function(action, max) { if(!action) action='show'; if (!max) max = document.links.length; var count=0; for (var i=0; i<document.links.length && count < max; ++i) { if(document.links[i].innerHTML==action + ' details' && document.links[i].href.indexOf('javascript:') == 0) { ++count; eval(document.links[i].href.replace('javascript:', '')); } } } recent2.pendingLines=[]; recent2.unpauseOutputOnce=function() { //console.log('unpausing once'); if (recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.togglePausedOutput(); recent2.togglePausedOutput(); } }; recent2.pauseOutput=function() { //console.log('pausing'); if (!recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.togglePausedOutput(); } //console.log(recent2.pausedOutput); } recent2.unpauseOutput=function() { //console.log('unpausing'); if (recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.togglePausedOutput(); } //console.log(recent2.pausedOutput); } recent2.togglePausedOutput=function() { if (!recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.pausedOutput = true; return true; } else recent2.pausedOutput=false; var outputBuffer=''; while (recent2.pendingLines.length) { outputBuffer+=recent2.doLine(recent2.pendingLines.pop()); if (recent2.pendingLines.length) { outputBuffer+=recent2.outputSeparator; } } var pos=recent2.outputPosition; var output=newOutputDiv('recent2.lines', pos); output.innerHTML=outputBuffer; setTimeout(function() {recent2.doPopups(output)}, 300); return false; } recent2.togglePaused=function() { if(!recent2.paused) { recent2.paused=true; return true; } recent2.paused=false; loopRecentChanges(loopRecentChanges.url, loopRecentChanges.iterations); return false; } recent2.doLine=function(bundle) { if (recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.pendingLines.push(bundle); return ''; } //if (recent2.filter_spelling) { return recent2.doSpellLine(bundle); } var sysop = null; if (typeof sysops != 'undefined') sysop=sysops.test(bundle.editor); var lastDiffPage=bundle.article + '&diff=cur&oldid=prev'; bundle.url=lastDiffPage; saveBundle(bundle); var div=''; if (window.vandals[bundle.editor]) { if (window.vandals[bundle.editor] > 0) { div='<div style="background-color:' + vandalColour(bundle.editor) + '">'} } else if (sysop) {div='<div class="sysop_edit_line">'}; return div + '<li>' + formatTime(bundle.timestamp) + ' ' + //latest + ' ' + processRecentChanges.lastDate + ' ' + '(' + linkmaker(lastDiffPage, 'last') + ')' + ' (' + linkmaker(bundle.article+'&action=history', 'hist') + ')' + ' ' + linkmaker(bundle.article, bundle.articleTitle) + ( bundle.badWord ? ' matched <b>' + bundle.badWord + '</b> . . ' : ' . . ') + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'User:' + bundle.editor, bundle.editor) + ' (' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'User_talk:' + bundle.editor, 'talk') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'User_talk:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\n{'+'{subst:uw-test1|' + bundle.articleTitle + '}}%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Your%20recent%20edits', 'uw-test') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'User_talk:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\n{'+'{subst:uw-vandalism1|' + bundle.articleTitle + '}}%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Your%20recent%20edits', 'uw-vand') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Special:Contributions/' + bundle.editor, 'contribs') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Special:Blockip/' + bundle.editor, 'block') + ') . . ' + ( bundle.summary ? '<i>('+bundle.summary+')</i> . . ' : '') + '<a href="javascript:showHideDetail(' + + ')" id="showdiff_link_' + + '">show details</a>' + ' . . [<a href="javascript:tryRollback(' + + ')" class="recent2_rollback">rollback</a>]' + '<br /><div id="diff_div_' + + '" style="display: none">' + '</div></li>' + ( div ? '</div>' : '') ; }; recent2.correctSpelling=function (article, badword) { var url=recent2.articlePath + article + '?action=edit&autoclick=wpDiff&autominor=true'; var wl=badword.toLowerCase(); var cor=spelldict[wl]; if (!cor|| !cor.length) { alert('Could not find an entry for ' + wl); return; } if (cor.length > 1) { var q='Which correction should I use?\nPlease either type a number or another correction.\n'; for (var i=0; i<cor.length; ++i) { q += '\n' + i + ': ' + cor[i]; } var ans=prompt(q); if (!ans) {return;} var num=parseInt(ans, 10); if (num > -1 && num < cor.length) { cor = cor[num]; } else { cor = ans; } } else { cor = cor[0]; } cor=cor.replace(/^ *| *$/g, ''); url += '&autosummary=Correcting%20spelling:%20' + wl + '->' + cor; url += '&autoedit='; c0=cor.charAt(0); wl0 = wl.charAt(0); b='\\b'; url += ['s', b + wl + b, cor, 'g;'].join('#'); wl=wl0.toUpperCase() + wl.substring(1); cor=c0.toUpperCase() + cor.substring(1); url += ['s', b + wl + b, cor, 'g;'].join('#'); wl=wl.toUpperCase(); cor=cor.toUpperCase(); url += ['s', b + wl + b, cor, 'g;'].join('#');; }; window.saveBundle= function(bundle) { var z={}; for (var prop in bundle) { z[prop]=bundle[prop]; } window.bundles[]=z; } window.vandals={}; window.tryRollback=function(id) { if (recent2.non_admin_rollback) { recent2.tryNonAdminRollback(id); } else { recent2.tryAdminRollback(id); } }; recent2.getBundleVandal=function(id) { var b=window.bundles[id]; if (!b) { alert('No bundle! Please tell Lupin how to reproduce this error - it should not really happen.'); return null; } var vandal=b.editor; if (window.vandals[vandal]==null) { window.vandals[vandal]=1; } else { window.vandals[vandal]++; } return b; } recent2.tryAdminRollback=function(id){ var b=recent2.getBundleVandal(id); if (!b) { return; } var vandal=b.editor; var onSuccess=function (x, bundle) { var rollRe=RegExp('<a href="(/w/index.php[^"]*?action=rollback[^"]*?from=([^&]*)[^"]*?)".*?(<span class="comment">(.*?)</span>)'); // match[0]: useless // match[1]: url (escaped) // match[2]: last editor (escaped) // match[4]: last edit summary (wikiText - FIXME strip this to plain text) var match=rollRe.exec(x.responseText); if (!match) { alert('No rollback link found.' + '\nMaybe you should try the non-admin rollback by checking the checkbox above?\n' + 'Alternatively, this may be a bug.'); return; } var lastEditor=match[2].split('+').join(' '); var lastSummary=match[4]; // var vandal=b.editor; // from the closure if (lastEditor != vandal) { var summary=lastSummary.replace(RegExp('<[^>]*?>','g'),''); if (!summary) summary=lastSummary; alert( 'Could not rollback - someone else has edited since the vandal.\n\nPage: '+ b.articleTitle + '\nVandal: '+vandal+'\nLast editor: '+lastEditor+'\nEdit summary: '+summary); return; } var rollbackUrl=match[1].split('&').join('&'); // confirm('Rollback edits by '+vandal + ' to '+b.articleTitle+'?') &&, '_blank'); } var onFailure = function(x,bundle) { alert('HTTP failed when trying to get rollback link in url\n' + bundle.url + '\n\nHTTP status text: ' + x.statusText); return true; }{ url:b.url, onSuccess: onSuccess, id:, onFailure:onFailure}); }; recent2.tryNonAdminRollback=function(id) { if (typeof(autoEdit)=='undefined') { alert('You need to have autoedit functionality for non-admin rollback.\n\n' + 'This is included in Navigation popups - see [[WP:POP]].\n\n'+ 'Alternatively, you can try adding '+ '{'+'{subst:js|User:Lupin/autoedit.js}} ' + 'to your user javascript file.'); return; } var b=recent2.getBundleVandal(id); if (!b) { return; } var vandal=b.editor; var url=recent2.scriptPath + 'query.php?format=json&titles=' + b.articleTitle + '&what=revisions&rvlimit=100&rvcomments'; var onSuccess=function(x,y){ recent2.processHistoryQuery(x,y,b); }{ url: url, onSuccess: onSuccess, id:}); // fixme: onFailure }; recent2.processHistoryQuery=function(x,downloadBundle, bundle) { var json=x.responseText; try { eval('var o='+json); var p=o['pages']; var edits=recent2.anyChild(p)['revisions']; } catch ( someError ) { alert('JSON business failed.\n\n' + json.substring(0,100) + '\n\nCannot rollback.'); return; } var i; for (i=0; i<edits.length; ++i) { if (edits[i]['user']!=bundle.editor) { break; } } if (i===0) { alert( 'Could not rollback - someone else has edited since the vandal.\n\nPage: ' + bundle.articleTitle + '\nVandal: '+bundle.editor+'\nLast editor: '+edits[0]['user']+ '\nEdit summary: '+edits[0]['comment']); return; } if (i==edits.length) { alert(bundle.editor + ' seems to be the only editor to ' + bundle.articleTitle + '.\n\nRollback aborted.'); return; } var prevEditor=edits[i]['user']; var prevRev=edits[i]['revid']; var summary='Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/' + escape(bundle.editor) + '|' + escape(bundle.editor) + ']] to last version by ' + escape(prevEditor); summary=summary.split(' ').join('%20'); var url=bundle.article + '&action=edit&autosummary=' + summary + '&oldid=' + prevRev + '&autoclick=wpSave&autominor=true';, '_blank'); }; //recent2.non_admin_rollback=true; recent2.anyChild=function(obj) { for (var p in obj) { return obj[p]; } return null; }; recent2.doPopups=function(div) { if (typeof(window.setupTooltips)!='undefined') { setupTooltips(div); } } window.formatTime=function(timestamp) { var date=new Date(timestamp); var nums=[date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()]; for (var i=0; i<nums.length; ++i) if (nums[i]<10) nums[i]='0'+nums[i]; return nums.join(':'); } window.showHideDetail = function(id, force, state) { var div=document.getElementById('diff_div_' + id); var lk=document.getElementById('showdiff_link_' + id); if (!div) return; var bundle=window.bundles[id]; if (!div.innerHTML) div.innerHTML= ( bundle.badDiffFragment ? bundle.badDiffFragment:'') + bundle.diff; if ((force && state==true) || (!force &&'none')) {'inline'; lk.innerHTML='hide details'; } else {'none'; lk.innerHTML='show details'; } } window.getFirstTagContent=function(parent, tag) { var e=parent.getElementsByTagName(tag); if (e && (e=e[0]) ) { var ret = e.firstChild.nodeValue || e.nodeValue; if (typeof ret != typeof '') return ''; return ret; } }; recent2.newCell=function() { var numCols=3; var c=recent2.controls; if (!c) { return; } if (!c.cellCount) { // start a table c.cellCount = 0; c.table=document.createElement('table'); c.appendChild(c.table); c.tbody=document.createElement('tbody'); c.table.appendChild(c.tbody); } if (!(c.cellCount % numCols)) { // start a row c.curRow=document.createElement('tr'); c.tbody.appendChild(c.curRow); } // start a cell c.curCell=document.createElement('td'); c.curRow.appendChild(c.curCell); ++c.cellCount; }; recent2.newCheckbox=function(label, state, action, internalName, append) { // checkbox recent2.newCell(); var ret=document.createElement('input'); ret.type='checkbox'; ret.checked = state; ret.onclick = function() { recent2.setBoxCookies(); this.setVariables(); }; ret.setVariables = action; recent2.controls.curCell.appendChild(ret); if (internalName) { recent2.controls[internalName]=ret; } // label var l=document.createElement('label'); l.innerHTML=label; l.onclick=function(){; } // recent2.controls.appendChild(l); recent2.controls.curCell.appendChild(l); recent2.checkboxes.push(ret); return ret; }; recent2.checkboxes=[]; recent2.setBoxCookies=function() { var n=1; var val=0; for (var i=0; i<recent2.checkboxes.length; ++i) { val += n * (recent2.checkboxes[i].checked ? 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4 : 0; }, 'delayby4'); recent2.newCheckbox('Use non-admin rollback', false, function() { recent2.non_admin_rollback = this.checked; }, 'nonadminrollback'); recent2.newCheckbox('Ignore my edits', false, function() { recent2.ignore_my_edits = this.checked; }, 'ignoremyedits'); recent2.newCheckbox('Ignore safe pages', false, function() { recent2.ignore_safe_pages = this.checked; }, 'ignoresafepages'); var b=document.createElement('input'); b.type='button'; b.value='pause updates'; b.onclick=function(){ b.value=(recent2.paused)?'pause updates':'resume updates'; recent2.togglePaused(); } recent2.newCell(); recent2.controls.curCell.appendChild(b); recent2.setCheckboxValuesFromCookie(); } recent2.count=0; window.loopRecentChanges=function(url, iterations) { if (!iterations) iterations=20; loopRecentChanges.iterations=iterations; loopRecentChanges.url=url; grabRecentChanges(url); setTimeout(function () { if (recent2.paused) {++recent2.count; return; } if (++recent2.count >= iterations && ! confirm('Continue monitoring recent changes?') ) return; recent2.count %= iterations; loopRecentChanges(url, iterations); }, 30000); } window.marvin=function() { // this isn't really used (not accessible from the UI), so don't worry about it window.sysops=RegExp("^(\\-\\- April|23skidoo|Lupin)$"); recent2.show_talkpages=true; recent2.controlUI(); loopRecentChanges(recent2.feed, 200); } // ************************************************** // Installation // ************************************************** recent2.addlilink=function(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){ var na = document.createElement('a'); na.href = url; na.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); var li = document.createElement('li'); if(id) = id; li.appendChild(na); tabs.appendChild(li); if(id) { if(key && title) ta[id] = [key, title]; else if(key) ta[id] = [key, '']; else if(title) ta[id] = ['', title]; } // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js akeytt(); return li; } recent2.addToolboxLink=function(url, name, id){ var tb = document.getElementById('p-tb').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; recent2.addlilink(tb, url, name, id); } window.addMarvin=function() { recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.filterPage, 'Filter recent changes', 'toolbox_filter_changes'); recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.allRecentPage, 'All recent changes', 'toolbox_all_changes'); recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.recentIPPage, 'Recent IP edits', 'toolbox_IP_edits'); recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.monitorWatchlistPage, 'Monitor my watchlist', 'toolbox_watchlist_edits'); recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.spelldictPage, 'Live spellcheck', 'toolbox_spelling'); }; recent2.testPage = function (str) { return RegExp(str.split(/[_ ]/).join('[_ ]'), 'i').test(document.location.href); }; window.maybeStart=function() { var loc=document.location.href; if (recent2.testPage(recent2.filterPage)) { recent2.filter_badwords=true; } else if (recent2.testPage(recent2.allRecentPage)) { recent2.filter_badwords=false; } else if (recent2.testPage(recent2.recentIPPage)) { recent2.filter_anonsOnly=true; } else if (recent2.testPage(recent2.monitorWatchlistPage)) { recent2.filter_watchlist=true; } else if (recent2.testPage(recent2.spelldictPage)) { recent2.filter_spelling=true; } else { return; } setTimeout(marvin, 1000); } // onload addOnloadHook(maybeStart); addOnloadHook(addMarvin); //// testing code //recent2.filter_badwords=true; //recent2.filter_spelling=true; //setTimeout(marvin,1000); // </nowiki></pre>