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Mariusenea 00:06, 18 May 2007 (UTC)Mario Enea

Mario C. Enea

David’s Jewish cross

Clausenbourg 2007

Like an experience of journalist choosing myself this aptitude but stimulate in 1997 by one of my mate that not considering me now nothing else just a pure man that he is needing to write and if I remember he didn’t was paying me in those time, I considering that I must to write for every people that want to read me. Because there are many important journals in the world, I was contacting 5 of them and because they aren’t refusing me I am continuing to write. Clausenbourg 5.05.2007 Romania Looking around for

After Gerhard Schroder was lost his Deutsche Kanzlei he was stabilized in Austria considered the new Kanzler of Austria. It was realized that Austria start to be every time in army. It is a problem for Europe the new opinion of new „force“that it appearing in Austria? Like a first view yes, remembering first and the second war. But if we considering same situation of economically crease in Europe, same like in 1914 and in 1933 because every where it’s a uniformity of a new Europe of course Unit Europe, the investment in production it’s relatively blocked. Why? The deals of the great companies from the west are that their self products to be sale and consumed in this cause in those countries it possible to have enough jobs for their employers. In this cause in their countries is not a very strong crisis especial economically. The result it’s a stability of politically situation. The idea of Gerhard Schroder it is of course like in every developed country „Auslanders aus“. What for? For free jobs of Austrians citizens. A new war it is possible for consuming the products from the developed countries where the population have relative enough money, but it will be destroyed a lot of part of Unit Europe where after you must to invest. It is a solution? It’s true that in ex communist’s countries that are now in Unit Europe the level it was stabled for minimal to be accepted in Community. In these countries now you can become the owner to make investments and the capital it’s easy to be getting back. If these countries are making investments here, creating new jobs, the level in these countries will be growing up, it’s true, the pries of the owner producer it will be more chip, and the own citizens will be easy to buy. Why? Because the level of life in the own countries, capital becoming easy to getting back, it will be better, the level of life more easy to keeping, easy jobs and a social protection better. In the new countries from the community it will be the level of work of the investor like owner, the payment enough to be a higher level of life and enough money to spend for the owner products. The exports of the products it will be stabilized from these countries to the others for outside of Unit Europe to a chip prices. In this cause the new order of Gerhardt Schroder is not a danger for Unit Europe. I hope so it will be! Mario

Clausenbourg 7.05.2007 Romania

A new look?

What about of the new look of the world? Like a suggestion, looking around to prevent the economic cries, if we considering that the economic conflicts are generating army conflicts we can do like suggestion this: If USA and Great Britain are making investments in South America where are resources and is a strong economic cries but stabilizing a new bursa in Malvin Islands and developing the economic relationships in Africa from South Africa-Cape Town, and Unit Europe is developing the economic relationships in North of Africa, Central Africa and Israel like banking Bursa and economic bursa, we can see a new look of developing protection all against to a strong cries generating war. Commercial relationships with Japan and China are making from Panama. In Asia are remanding Japan, China and Russia correlating between them in economic relationships. Of course correlation ships are making between this there strong developing parts of the world are making between the burs not with the guns.

Mario Cluasenbourg 5.05.2007 Romania

What about?

It's saying that the Euro was definited like unique in Europe against the dollar. What for? Recuperating the dollar from investments in out side parts of America covering the export of the value(dollar). Its true that when you are using other money value you are of course under financial control of those country. But to protect of those value it must to be recuperated preventing inflationary ritm. The Unit Europe stabilize an unique value to protect the own banking stability. In the past every west county from Europe it was forced to recuperating his own value to protect the inflationary ritm. Also the west countries were stabilizing an minimal of own value just for to buy that these countries were needing and to keep an economic control under the respective country. The relation ships were stabilized with the country that was signalised that has keeping to much value from his own value and in this cause the own country from the west it was obligated to stabilizing the relation ships of course commercials to get back of his own value, to protect it self value against of the inflationary ritm. Every value of western country from Europe comparative with the dollar it was more down, but it was relativity by one country to other country. To the start of unique value of Unit Europe the Euro it was stabilized much strong like dollar. This is explaining that the Unit Europe has much resources to get chips products or to product to a chip level of pavement the own products. Relative to the dollar, this value it was exported and invested in foreign business with a high level of risk in recuperating the value. Like explanation US dollar was loosing big part of market against to the Euro. So, where you can to a good investment to be getting back easy your value like American? Some where that you can product your own products to a chip preis or some where that you can give a chip pavement for the primary resources to product chip products. In this cause you mast to establishing a new market but where you must to keep a very surely situation especially economical for a very stabil politically statute. What do think about Argentina, Brazil... Mario In 1985 Afghanistan country it was attacated by USSR in those time the Russian president Vladimir Ilich Brejnev was trying to input to the Taliban people a communist government. For the regular people it was a question that it was imputed: What for this? The investment in armament of Iraqi’s president Saddam Hussein was to be buying from USSR and other communist’s countries like Romania. The payment it was making in oil. For USSR and also for Romania the fuel it was transporting from a pipe line that it’s fixed a long of territories of Kurdistan and Afghanistan. In Afghanistan there are also the pre refineries to pre manufacturing the oil. In same time was appearing in Palestine a leader of muesli army for liberty of people of Palestine, Jihad army for freedom, Yasser Arafat that it was stabilizing like president of Palestine. Yasser Arafat was realizing the military control against Israel and Lebanon, helping ex USSR and other countries like Romania to get back money implicated in sale of armament and all of these for an economic control against to Europe, checking the price of the fuel. In that time it was build three great refineries in Romania same like Petromidia Navodari for manufacturing the oil from Iraq. This one was buying by British Shell Oil and two of a kind was keeping being for manufacturing the oil for Petrom SA Romanian Oil Co. that were manufacturing the oil from Russia. Petrom SA was buying by OMW Oil Co Austria, extending in this kind of economic relations ships the control of the fuel in a large part of Europe of the Russian oil. Osama bin Laden, the child one richest Saudi family, that it’s oriented in building enterprise become the leader of the organization muesli Jihad but he is making the lobby like a self arbiter between America and Russia. For example: American troupes were obligated to be getting back in Ethiopia losing a lot of people in Mogadiscio (Addis Abeba) and now there is government muesli. The military and financial support for this battle it was supported by Osama bin Laden. If we are looking to the geographic position of Ethiopian sate we can remarked that from this country it’s possible to controlling the navy transport of the oil from Arabian’s territories possible to do a blocking of transportation on Suez Canal from Indian Ocean. In 1997 in Liberia state it was a putting down of a democratic government, the attackers been muesli. What for to destroy a democracy in a small state like Liberia? The explanation must be: A lot of the small states, especial from eastern Europe, like Romania that haven’t enough money, it was registering the navies (commercials navies) under the register navy from Liberia because the navy taxes were more small like in other countries. If we are restricting the oil transporting navies, now because in Liberian state it’s a hunt military muesli, the foreign navies are confiscated and sale. In this cause a state like Romania but where we have oil now from Russia can’t becoming economic independent because she haven’t enough possibilities to get fuel from Indian Ocean or from the Northern Sea from Shell (British Shell). Another action anti democratic fact it was in Congo where actual govern it is pro France. The attack of military hunt it was not to a long ago for the USA and Great Britain troupes NATO against Iraqi’s Saddam Hussein in 1993 “The storm of desert” when France it was there with the Legion estrange but Germany not. The contribution of France in first attack it was small, France being sure that can get the fuel from Congo by the Elf Congo. Another explanation for France it is that in France are living very much people with Arabian origins from ex French colonies and the insurance of France it’s not so strong against the terrorist muesli attackers. In same time in the neaboroughs states with Congo appear muesli attackers terrorists like in Morocco and in Alger destroy de democracy, but the explanation it must be to do unsure the transporting of the fuel from Congo the France and Western Europe. In this cause France and other countries are becoming dependents by British Shell or to be subordinating to the Russian fuel. The negotiations between Great Britain and CE it’s explaining a lot of. For explaining other action of Osama it’s this: The muesli control under the Morocco state it’s making possible to controlling by Osama and of course the Russian government against to the navy transportation on the Gibraltar Crossing. In this cause the small countries that Romania are becoming under economical ordering of the Russian fuel. Diplomatic problem of Russia if it will be put in practice the new economical strategy in the world it’s that USA and CE have the possibilities to block the economical attack against to Europe, in this cause USA must to be concentrating against to the financial point of Osama and Russia, and in this cause the European countries must to be very strong protecting against the terrorists attacks, Russia it will be obligating to reconsidering the economically zone of influence against China and Japan. If now Russia it’s in attacking against to the CE its meaning that Japan and China are strongest like Russia. The explanation that Russia refuse this strategy it’s because both of them, its meaning China and Japan have a very powerful economically relationships with USA. All these countries are economically orientating to the USA because there are money, but if USA it’s changing the politically and economically attitude to the South America where the money spending of armament from USA budget it’s chip, in chose cause all these people will be orientating to the South American’s countries because there it will be and it is a virgin land to do investments and to get back more money. In cause that USA it will be establishing like a future measurement of economically development in South America, China and Japan will be both of them investitures in this zone. The controlling it will be making by USA and Great Britain but I suppose it will be establishing in Malvin Islands, that is a British territory a new economical bursa of value, the economically relationships will be establishing between New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Malvin Islands. The Malvin islands there will be coming like a new Hong Kong. The economically domination in Orient and Pacific zone it will be a lot of more easy to conquered by the Russia, but not at all because Australia and New Zeeland are part of Commonweals, but Russia it will be letting to get easy the fuel from the Arabian’s territories. The attack against to CE trying to subordinating it will be not so easy because the fuel it will be coming by the north, the explanation it’s meaning the tendencies of Great Britain of CE. The controlling prices of the fuel for CE coming from north it will be keeping down, the explanation it’s coming by the Great Britain Government to keep the own British system of measurement that it’s meaning a protection of own properly products against to foreign products. The plan of developing to sale the fuel products coming from the Arabian’s territories via Russia it will be developing with China and Japan. The investment of Russian Government it will be making of course that it liking in South America. For the EC the relationships I suppose will be establishing also with South America but not at all, because The CE it will be oriented to the Australia and New Zeeland. The feedback of CE coming back in Europe from South America it will be establishing from Cape Town and Cote d’Ivoire, pressing and restricting area of the muesli terror just in Arabian’s territories. The situation it will be changing because also the money of Russia they will be investing in South America via Japan and China. I was writing up. The new order in Asia it will be establishing in this cause by Russia that will be a supporter of Israel that will be controlling the OEPEC banks from Lebanon and from the CE in Jordan by the France, Germany and CE. The Arabian’s territories will be sub ordering to the Russian power that will be producing fuel for Japan that it’s one of the big producer in market car’s driver and China that isn’t one of the big consumer of world products, both of them having strong economically relationships with USA. The position of Russia that it’s a part of CE it will be stabile in Romania exporting fuel from Iraq in CE to the Midia refinery and British Shell it must to fix a pipe line from northern sea on Pays Be, France, a longue to Europe in Tirol for Austria and Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. In the north from Denmark to: Germany, Cehia, Slovakia and Poland-Ukraine. The politically attitude it will be promptly establishing in Israel by Russia and in Egypt from Jordan by CE. The help in Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean against to muesli attackers will be helping by India and Pakistan, because between muesli and Hindu here will be Hindu because Buda love more China and Japan. The strongly investments of USA, Great Britain and CE will be in South America and after to the Africa from the north Jordan, Israel and at last but not the least Egypt, by the south Cape town and from the America by Cote D’Ivoire and Congo. Clausenbourg 20.05.2007 Romania The new project of economical development without army conflicts Like a vision talking of course Mr. Gerhardt Schroder but not about army, and looking about a book (of course my book “David’s Jewish cross”), the economically relationships developing in their own zone of influence will be implicating a new bursa for licenses of products. If of example, Russia it’s needing to implementing a German product, but Germany in economically zone of South America and north of Africa, Russia will be possible buying the German license of herself but the transfer of capital it will be making from European Bank not implicating Germany directly in a partner relationship and the payment of plus value it will be paying to the European Bank. In this cause Russia will be contenting to be active in relationships in Asia and Pacific Ocean and also in Arabian territories continuation to stability relationships with Japan and China. In cause that Russia it’s needing a license for USA that it’s in relationships in South America economically influence of investment, Russia it will be buying the license by the license bursa but the investment in Russia to product this American product it will be making by USA from the World Back and plus value of sailing the product it will be paying by Russia to the World Back. In this cause the economically relationships for the development in separated zone of influence they will be developing without army conflicts. Mario Clausenbourg 19.05.2007 Romania A point of view About the new opinion about the Gerhardt Schroder political point of view, that it’s meaning “Auslanders aus”, the explanation it’s that he don’t be using army force against someone, he is trying to explaining to all of us, that he is wanting about foreign work employers do not be migration in other countries, to be stabile in their counties. That’s meaning that the CE countries that are very developed to be investing in the more chips countries from the CE, sealing the licenses of CE products and creating in these countries companies to be producing these kind of products, that it’s meaning to be creating new jobs, the workers will be paying to the CE level or aproximatively and will be buying by the workers for them self and that’s meaning that the level of quality it will be higher and higher because the products are for them self workers and level of prices it will be same like in CE in developed counties. In this cause, if the level of payment it’s aproximatively like in CE, the plus value of payment it will be returning to the investitures like profit. The budget of the chip country it will be cumulating from the salaries taxes and it will be higher and higher, the respectively country will be caning to pay back the money to the European Bank for example. The Human Rights are not obstructing because the people can be delivering everywhere in CE but they can’t be working in other counties, in this cause the working power from these developed countries being protected and in the chips countries it will be higher and higher professional level. Mario

Clausenbourg 20.05.2007 Romania About product’s licenses bursa If state from an economical zone want to by a license for example about Mercedes Benz Germany GmbH, this license will be paying with a lot of money by the state from his self monetary safe. In this cause Germany will be investing in those state via European Bank a lot of money to product the Mercedes cars in those state by a level of money that a lot of people to can buy the cars Mercedes. If a state want to buy the license of Mercedes cars it’s the resort of European Bank to considering to give money for buy the license if it’s a real interest to develop this kind of car in those state or after economical evaluation of situation in those country will be consideration that it’s possible that German Company to invest money via European Bank and to get back plus value of license product by those country and those state to get back payment rate to the European Bank no by a long time without to destroying the level of life in those country. Mario Clausenbourg 20.05.2007 Romania An explanation about economical development in aproximatively amount (The economical relationships of investment talking about the new order of Gerhardt Schroder-point of view) If one of developed country for example Germany or Austria are needing to make an investment in a chip country from CE like Romania for example in food industry that it’s meaning: The German company it’s looking about the Romanian food company that she needs to do an investment and German company it’s making an order to the economical department of German state from European Bank to do a fez ability study for investment. If the plan of investment it’s agree by the European Bank, the German company get a credit from European Bank and it is making the investment. The value of investment it’s stabile by European Bank for example but the German company can get a large credit for a long period if it’s evaluating the economical relationships with Romanian company for a long period. The risk of European credit of German company it’s estimated by European Bank that it was doing the study of fez ability. The German company it’s getting back money from the investment in Romanian company realizing in conformity with the fez ability study of investment of European Bank the chip price of products in Romanian company but sailing to European price in Romanian the products, the power of buying realizing it with an payment of salary aproximatively European in Romania. The getting back money to the European Bank it’s making from plus value of sailing of the products and after the investment it’s clear paid back at all, the all of profit it’s of German company, but for a period a part of profit of German company it’s needing to the European Bank like rates of credit back of investment.

The risk of German company investment it’s evaluating by the bank. That it’s meaning new jobs, modern’s jobs in Romania for example and higher and higher level of life and of the quality of the services and of the products (that it’s meaning Romania it was buying some licenses of Germans products). Mario Products with expansive licenses

   About products with expansive licenses that's implicating a strong investment in the chip country like are luxury cars, these kind of products are representing in chips countries for rich people that can buy these kind of products by a dealer demonstrating to a commercial bank that the dealer it's subordinated to European Bank for example, that the rich representative man has enough money to have this kind of product.

In this kind the foreign company it's not needing to do a strong investment to highing the level of salary in those chip country people caning to buy a very expensive product, demonstrating it's the fact that in a banking fez ability plan the European Bank it will demonstrating that the chip country hasn't the level of power of work that it's needing to product this kind of product in own country and the study of fez ability it will be refused like plan of investment because the level of life in those country it will be affected in negative sense. Mario

   Point of view about to prevent up saturation of the own market

Speaking about the investment in the chip countries of the developed countries company just for the own market, the preventing saturation it’s realizing with a modernizing the license by a period of amortisment of the ancient license. That’s its meaning the people can realizes to get a new model of own license realizing an abreacted of them self product like a care, getting back them self car to the factory and paying a difference to get a new car with a new model. Mario Like a conclusion Stability the commercial relationships between communities countries, implicating in relationships all the actions with the resolutions of a European Bank or World Bank, it will be accepting the realizes that if we can to pay some think we must to talk with a banker not to be attacked be a military force and it is realizing a new plan of possibly of payment with the new rates. But in this cause the mistake it’s making by the bank that it was involved in the investment plan of the developing countries from the community and the bank it must to support the situation. Another conclusion it’s that in the chips countries it will be a continue developing of the level of life and of the social situation provoking no conflicts interethnic’s, psychological looking the people will be telling I am prove by myself not I am so tough because I am for example Romanian eliminating in this cause the nationalism because the people aren’t seeing the military conflicts the they must to demonstrating their nationalist psychological part of them self. All the time the people are looking to be prove by them self trying to be the best professional to have enough money to be rich. Like an explanation about the migration of the people that it will be doing with helping by marriage, that the man or woman it’s detached in a International Political or Economical Organization or them self have enough money to buy a propriety in a foreign country. Mario.

Die unseres Träumen

Cluasenbourg 2007

Motto: Für deutsche Journalistische Rundel Silvie auf den „Der Zeit“: Für lieben alles sind unseres Träumen und wenn Du bist meine Freundinnen, Ich bin so langsam und so schwerlich zu sagen nicht für dich, für alles, Ich bin auch in Liebe. Mario

Sehen in eine Tage für lösen eine große Probleme was Er hat aber so viel Zeit, Mario war gesehen auf den Internet für war Er zu schreiben in eine journalistische Papieren. Er hat befindet eine Adresse auf eine deutsche Journalistische Fräulein und Er war hat beschreibt zu sich. Aber für lösen diese Probleme und weil Die Polizei nicht hat gelöste keine, Er hat kontaktierte ein Zeitung auf den Deutschland. Für diese Probleme Er hat beginnt zu schreiben die Artikels für Der Zeit und und The Guardian hat beschreibt die Situationen auf eine TV Reporter Andreea was Er hat beschreibt. Auf die fünfstellig Artikels Er hat bekommt ein Botschaft nach den Deutschland auf die dieser Mitarbeiterin, eine Silvie. Es war eine Nachte wann Mario hat geschrebt suf eine Uhre in der Morgen und wann Er hat geschlaft Er hat ein Träume: In sicher Träume es war eine gelbe Frau junge was es war schprachem mit sich und was hat beantwortet wenn Er liebe sich. Die junge Frau es was schöne und Sie war tanzen. In die sondere morgen er hat beweckt geliebt. In der lerste stunde wann Er hat geliebt Er nicht hat gesagt weil alles sicheres Freündes haben große Kummers. In das Situazion, wiel Sie hat bevonent in Deutschland, Er hat die Mut beschreigt was Er ist beginnen in Liebe mit Sie, aber ist eine Probleme für sich, Sie ist so junge für sich. Sicheres Träumen kommen alle zu Zeit und Er hat beginnt glücklich. Er hat gelebt in sicher Hause über die Terror auf schieres Nachbars was haben auf gebrecht sicher Hause verschmeiren sich versuchen Sie schlagen sich. In der erst Er hat eine Andencken mit Andreea was hat kennt sich vor lager Zeit und über eine Stunde wenn Sie und Er haben beendet eine Universiät, Er hat bekommt in sicher Vaterland hat beginnt Hof machen sich. Er hat geschpracht nit Sie und Er hat geschpracht wiele Briefen, aber in die Enderste Briefe Er hat haltet in Heirat. Über diese Briefe Sie hat bedrogt und Sie hat gemacht zu prostituieren. Sichenwegen Er hat verwiegernt zu haben eine Freunde neden sich. In jene Situatzion Er hat etwases lieben Träumen mit sich aber Er hat verschtecht so mit Andreea hat passirt rauch and über Er hat verwiegert zu träumen sich. Über wieles Woches Er hat noch einmal ein Träume mit Silvie, aber in sicher Träume Sie hat bekommt eine Frau was hat gebraucht für schaffen die Verwchslungsen was Die Man wie haben gebraucht Sie haben gesiend gays. Sie haben gepractizirte Gaunerei mit die Hausen auf die kranken Mensch und auch sicher Hause für die Geld. Um alles dieses Er hat behofft wie Sie ist kommen oader Er ist zu gehen sich damit zu schprechen und zu sehen Sie in die Realität. Es war hat passiert mit sich wenn Er ist denken zu Silvie, ein Phänomen. Wenn Er ist denken zu sich Er ist beginnen zu sehen sich was sie ist machen und mit sicher telphone Er ist kännen zu hören sich. Er hat entdenkt was die roten Radiation hat provozirte sich die Visionen. Er kännt zu sehen Sie und diese Situazion für sich ist kein normalische aber zum Zeit zu Zeit Er ist zufrieden. Wenn Er kein zu wollen etwas zu sehen oder zu schpechen mit jemand, Er ist wechseln sicheres Gedenken und die Vision ist hat beendet. Die Chance zu treffen für sich sind sehr klein weil die Doktoren nich zu erkennen was Sie haben provocziert sich ein deja-vu.