User:Marc Goossens/collecting thoughts

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[edit] Some math

\dot{E} = \mathcal {E}, \mbox {with} ~ \mathcal {E} := \mathcal {Q} + \mathcal {W}

\dot{S} \ge \mathcal {S}, \mbox {with} ~ \mathcal {S} = \frac {\mathcal {Q}}{\theta}

try inline \mathcal {E}

[edit] Helprefs

Help:Displaying a formula


[edit] On refs and footnotes

First aof all see (BBC 2006), but be sure to check (This) and (That) as well! And why not Hilbert & 1900 d

[edit] References

  • b c von Helmholtz, H. (1868). "Über die Tatsachen welche der Geometrie zur Grunde liegen.". Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen. 
  • d