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[edit] Mahvok (MarJHyper)

  • is my character in my upcoming movie. My movie is based on the scene of bionicle, there are Rahi , Toa, Matoran, and other bionicle beings. My scene is a huge war about to come.

[edit] Chars and info

  • The happens when a guy named Mahvok (Me) is praying to the holy Mata nui, But then a sudden explosion appears. A dark hand comes and hits Mahvok's friend, Dalvahk. When Mahvok comes to other places like Ta-Koro, Ga-Koro, Le-Koro, Onu-Koro, Ko-Koro and po koro, all these people stare at him. He shouts out loud if anyone in the land wants to join the upcoming war. Only some people came to him. Names of people who came to him like: Quelasta the wise, Historia the swift, One of the ghost twins, Tamaru the cunning(Who later becomes Mutant-Tamaru.), Tomarka the mysterios, Milese the blazed, Lorkete the cold, Michevahk the interesting, and the toa Muku the awsome.
  • On the bad side there is the evil guy named Dalvahk, who betrayed Mahvok by getting struck by a bold of energy sent by Makuta. He becomes evil and plans to kill Mahvok in a very evil evil way, he starts the war. Dalvahk has many people on his team like: The thousand millions of evil cyborgs, the wise ultra cyborgs, Ahkmou the very sneaky infected kohlii ball trader(with a black mask.), the very suspicous "Hot head," toa chink the betrayer, purple dragon, the other ghost twin, and of course...... Makuta!

[edit] Mahvok

  • Mask: Kaukau: Mask of water breathing.
  • Power: Using air currents as blasts: Also can create air out of his bare hands.
  • From: Le-Koro.
  • Strength: 7/10
  • (Running)Speed: 6/10]
  • Endurance: 9/10
  • Side: Good
  • Energy strength: 10/10
  • Info: A brave matoran who later becomes a toa, he is planning meet Dark709 in the future. Like Dark709 he has an arch enemy named Dalvahk, this matoran is from Le-Koro. He is very special that he can use air as a weapon by pushing it or creating out of his bare hands or feet even head well anywhere from his body. (And i don't mean the breaking air.)

[edit] Dalvahk

  • Mask: Hau: Mask of sheilding.
  • Power: Uses dark forces to destroy stuff: That can also summon.....Makuta!!
  • Strength:8/10
  • (Running)Speed: 5/10 (Because of his armour.)
  • Endurance: 9/10 (10/10 if using mask of sheilding.)
  • Side: Bad
  • Energy strength: 10/10
  • Dalvahk is a pretty stupid matoran but very evil... Sir.Pickles his freind is also apart of Dark709's comics, then suddenly Mahvok started making his own comics, Dalvahk planned using his war head(Not meaning the lolly.) to actually use an atomic bomb on Mahvok's house. (Spoiler in the movie.)

[edit] Historia

  • Mask: Kakama: Mask of speed.
  • Power: Can turn anything or shoot protodermis.
  • Strength: 7/10
  • (Running)Speed: 6/10 (With mask power: 10/10)
  • Endurance: 9/10
  • Side: Good
  • Energy strength: 8/10
  • Info: Historia knows all about history, he is very smart. He even once co-ordinated Makuta's lair in 30 mins all in darkness. Then eventually became apart of Mahvok's clan.

[edit] Ahkmou

  • Mask: Noble Rau: Mask of translation.
  • Power: Infecting stuff.
  • strength: 5/10
  • (Running) Speed: 4/10
  • Endurance: 5/10
  • Side: Bad
  • Energy strength: 8/10
  • Info: He was one of the matoran of metru-nui. When he arrived at mata nui, someone said "I'll traded you this gold Vahi for that Rau." He agreed to the man. When he opened the case it was a black Rau and the man had disappeared, Ahkmou wore the mask turning him evil and infecting matoran and kohlii balls. A Kohlii ball trader when Toa Pohatu and Takua realized that it was infected, so his job was over.(He even made Huki the champ get sick.) He was then found by Dalvahk and awarded infected of the year!

-Good Ahkmou-

  • Mask: Rau: The mask of de-translation.
  • Power: Un-infecting stuff.
  • Strength: 5/10
  • (Running) Speed: 4/10
  • Endurance: 5/10
  • Side: Good
  • Energy strength: 8/10
  • Info: When Ahkmou was infected he was sneaky and stuff, then a guy named Mahvok Reminding him that there is no point of infecting matoran. It really touched his hart and his masks black melted off his mask turning him good, eventually joining Mahvok's team.

[edit] Tamaru/Mutant-Tamaru

  • Mask: Noble Rau: Mask of translation.
  • Power: Turning anything into crystal.
  • Strength: 6/10
  • (Running) Speed: 9/10
  • Endurance: 8/10
  • Side: Good
  • Energy strength: 8/10
  • Info: A very good friend of Kongu, and wants to be a gukko bird pilot, he is very afraid of heights . He also very jealous of Kongu Because he has the mask of levitation.

[edit] Dofflakk

  • Mask: Mutant Rau: The mask of de-translation.
  • Power: Turning objects into solid Mercury.
  • Strength: 10/10
  • (Running) Speed: 10/10
  • Endurance: 10/10
  • Side: Good/Bad (He can go psyco and turn evil.)
  • Energy strength: 5/10
  • Info: Dofflakk was just a normal matoran that had no legs, he used bohrok with no krana to walk, he would crawl into the kranaless bohrok and use the eyes for control. Anyway he was walking for some solid protodermis to give to the Ko-matoran. Until a Rahi-nui came spitting Anti-dermis at Dofflakk. Dalvahk found him stuck on the ground with anti-dermis all over him. He picked him up and transported him to Dalvahk's lab. Turning him mutant.