Marysville, Texas

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Marysville is a small, unincorporated community in northwestern Cooke County, Texas, USA. It lies approximately 3 miles from the Texas-Oklahoma border.

[edit] History

Marysville developed as a small farming community in northwest Cooke County around 1869 with the arrival of the Corn and Fitch families. In 1873, a post office opened and by 1900, the small community reported 250 citizens, a drugstore, livery, school, churches, and multiple cotton gins. By 1942, Marysville reported a population of 160. With the establishment of Camp Howze that same year, Marysville farmers and residents lost most of their land to eminent domain as the camp virtually enveloped the community. Land to the north, east, and south of the community became part of the camp and farmers were forced to move. With the loss of farm land, many residents moved to Gainesville or elsewhere to start anew, and Marysville rapidly decline. During the operation of Camp Howze, Marysville was so remote that residents were allowed permanent passes to cross the army camp to get to and from Gainesville. When World War II ended and Camp Howze was deemed excess in 1946, the original farmers were offered their land back. Most had settled elsewhere and were not interested in returning, but a few repurchased their land and moved back to the area. But the damage was done and Marysville never recovered. Today it has a church, a Masonic Lodge known as Fish Creek Lodge #344and no businesses. One local resident of the Marysville Cemetery is Daniel Montague for whom Montague County, Texas is named after.

[edit] Education

Marysville is served by the Muenster Independent School District.

Coordinates: 33°46′14″N, 97°20′03″W
