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See Maruts for the group of Vedic deities or Maruti for the wind god; see HAL HF-24 Marut for the aircraft.

In Islam, Marut (Arabic: ماروت) is an angel sent down to test the people at Babel in the Quran Surah 2:102. He is accompanied in this deception by Harut, and both of them warn the people before teaching them falsehoods not to believe and yet they believe anyway.

According to the minority Shiite belief, Marut is the same as Harut. He was an angel that was sent down to earth to teach the people the wisdom to protect themselves against magic, but people by time used their teachings and their wisdom for harming each other instead of using such knowledge and wisdom to protect themselves. They did not deceive anyone, but they warned the people clearly that such knowledge can be used in bad manners, and this is what followed.