Marty Nemko

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Marty Nemko is a nationally known expert on career issues, reinventing education, and men’s issues.

On the career front, he is perhaps best known as U.S. News & World Report’s Contributing Editor for career issues where he directs its annual Best Careers issue. His book Cool Careers for Dummies has sold over 100,000 copies, ranking it among the bestselling of all for Dummies books. He is in his 19th year as producer and host of Work with Marty Nemko on a National Public Radio affiliate in San Francisco. He is the career columnist at Previously, his column appeared for six years in the San Francisco Chronicle and three years in the Los Angeles Times. He was the host of Eight Keys to a Better Worklife, which many PBS-TV stations aired nationwide during their pledge drives. He appears frequently as a career expert, for example, on the Today Show, the CBS Early Show, NPR’s Talk of the Nation, etc. He has been quoted on multiple occasions in such publications as the New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times. In a cover story, the San Francisco Bay Guardian named him, “The Bay Area’s Best Career Coach.”

On the education front, His book, How to Get Your Child a Private School Education in a Public School, was named one of the year’s Ten Must Books by the American School Board Association. He was the senior author of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges procedures for accreditation and program review. He has written three consumer-activist books for parents of the college-bound and articles in the prestigious Chronicle of Higher Education. He has been a consultant to 15 college presidents and given three invited addresses such as “America’s Most Overrated Product: Higher Education” at the Commonwealth Club, a nationally prominent public affairs forum. He holds a Ph.D in education from the University of California, Berkeley and subsequently taught in its graduate school. He was introduced at the ABC-TV Summit on Education as “The Ralph Nader of Education.”

Regarding men’s issues, Nemko is the co-president, with Warren Farrell, of the National Organization for Men (, which attempts to educate the media to help ensure fair reporting on men’s issues related to education, employment, divorce, and health care. He has published widely on these topics, primarily on websites devoted to men’s issues, such as,, on in the Mensa Bulletin and on

Avocationally, he is a play director and actor. He won awards as best director, best production, and the Roar of the Crowd award (Bay Area audience favorite) for his 2007 Bay Area production of Same Time Next Year.


Nemko’s bio and 50 interviews with him: [1]

Nemko’s U.S. News & World Report articles and his bio: [2]

Nemko’s bio on [3]

500+ of Nemko’s articles plus an archive of his radio show: [4].