Markus Büchler

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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c Markus Wolfgang Büchler, (born 22. July 1955). A pioneering gastrointestinal hepatobilliary surgeon.


[edit] Early life

Markus Büchler was born in Saarlouis, a city in south-west Germany. he went to school in Dillingen and Sasbach, then began studying medicine at Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg.

[edit] Medical career

Markus Büchler began specialising in surgery at the university hospital in Ulm. In 1987 he finished his specialty training and instantly overtook a position as a senior surgeon. in 1991 he became a directing senior surgeon and professor of surgery at the university. In 1999 he became head of the department of visceral and transplantation surgery in Bern/Switzerland, where he was since 1993 professor). Since 2001, he is the director of the department of general, visceral and transplantation surgery at Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg. Since 2003 he is the managing director of the department of general visceral and transplantation surgery at Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg.

[edit] Büchler as an academic

Research had a very significant role in Büchler's life. He is the initiator of numerous research projects, and has significantly enriched the surgical literature with results of laboratory and clinical studies. Heidelberg's surgery figures have greatly increased since his presence. Büchler has over 1100 publications listed in PubMed, a figure that is very rarely achieved.

[edit] King of the pancreas

Büchler's basic research interest lies in pancreatic diseases and therapy. Heidelberg became a very well respected pancreatic centre allowing a European Pancreatic Centre to be founded. Currently, around 600 pancreatic resections are performed annually. As pancreatic cancer is rare, this is a very high figure.

[edit] Visiting Professor

  • Yale University, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, New Haven, USA. 22.-25.05.1996
  • University of Belgrade, Clinical Center of Serbia, School of Medicine, Institute for Digestive Diseases, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 04.-06.07.1996
  • Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Facultad de Ciencias Medicas, Asuncion, Paraguay. 30.10.-02.11.1996
  • University of Adelaide, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Department of Surgery, Adelaide, South Australia. 03.-08.03.1997
  • Mayo Clinic, Department of Surgery, Rochester, USA. 10.-12.11.1997
  • The University of HongKong, China. Januar 1998
  • Karolinska Institute at Huddinge University, Department of Surgery, Sweden. 18.03. 1998
  • Department of Surgery, University of Bergen, Norway. 30.-31.10.1998
  • Chirurgische Klinik, Universitäts-Krankenhaus Eppendorf Hamburg, Deutschland. 14.-16.12.1998
  • Universität Zürich. 3.10.2000
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York. 6.-13. 05.2001

[edit] Awards

  • Ludwig-Rehn-Award German Society of Surgery Mittelrheinische Chirurgen Freiburg (1987)
  • Award of the International Association of Pancreatology, Verona, Italy (1988)
  • Award of the International Association of Pancreatology Nagasaki, Japan(1990)
  • Research Award of the Society of computed body tomography Seattle , USA (1991)
  • Award, Mittelrheinische Chirurgengesellschaft Luxemburg (1991)
  • Award of the International Congress on Anticancer Chemotherapy Paris, France (1993)
  • Award of the European Association for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Barcelona, Spain (1993)

[edit] Scientific positions

  • International Journal of Pancreatology, Mitglied des Editorial Board (1988)
  • Gastroenterologisches Kolloquium der Universität Ulm, Organisation (1988 -1993)
  • European Pancreatic Club, member of the selection committee (1989 -1991)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten, Member of the Program committee (1989 -1992)
  • European Pancreatic Cancer Study Group, Secretary (1991)
  • Arbeitskreis der Pankreatektomierten, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat (1992)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie
  • Sekretär des Chirurgischen Forums (1992 -1994)
  • Pancreas, Associate Editor (1993)
  • Chirurgische Gastroenterologie, Editor (1993)
  • Opponent bei der Habilitation (Thesis): "Glucose metabolism in patients with exocrine pancreatic adenocarcinoma." Johan Permert, MD, PhD, Linköping (1993)
  • Acta Chirurgica Austriaca, Mitglied des Editorial Board (1994)
  • International Gastro-Surgical Club, Member at Large to Executive Committee (1994)
  • Minimal invasive Chirurgie, Editor (1995)
  • Digestive Surgery, Chief Editor (1995)
  • Swiss Surgery, Mitglied des Editorial Board (1995)
  • European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and other interventional techniques (E.A.E.S.), *Member of the Educational Committee (1995)
  • Progress in Surgery, Chief Editor (1995)
  • Der Onkologe, Rubrikherausgeber (1995)
  • Bit Surgery, Mitglied des Editorial Board (1995)
  • Österreichische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie,
  • Korrespondierendes Mitglied (1995)
  • European Digestive Surgery (EDS), Secretary (1995)
  • Gut, Member of the Editorial Board (1996)
  • Medizin im Bild, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat (1996)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Arbeitsauschuss der Sektion Chirurgische Forschung (1996)
  • International Association of Pancreatology, Councillor (1996)
  • Academic Association of Medical Interdisciplinary Studies, Honorary Member (1996)
  • International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, Member of the International Scientific Committee (1996-2000)
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Board member (1996)
  • Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterologia, Korresponding member (1996)
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Viszeralchirurgie, Board member (1997-1998)
  • International Journal of Pancreatology, Member of the editorial board (1997),
  • European Journal of Medical Research, Member of the editorial board (1997)
  • Collegium Internationale Chirurgiae Digestivae, Mitglied des Program Committee (1998)
  • Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, Member of the editorial board (1997)
  • The University of Nanjing, Railway Medical College Hospital, China, Honorary Professor of Surgery (Januar 1998)
  • British Journal of Surgery, Member of Editorial Committee (1998)
  • British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd., Member of Council (1998)
  • Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, Member of Editorial Board (1998)
  • Surgical Biology Club III of the American College of Surgeons, Member (1998)
  • European Pancreatic Club (EPC), Elected President for the year 2002 (1998)
  • International Association of Pancreatology (IAP),Treasurer (1998)
  • Yugoslav Surgical Association, Honorary Member (1998)
  • International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, Chairman of the Scientific Committee (1998)
  • The European Registry of Hereditary Pancreatitis and Familial Pancreatic Cancerm Secretary of EUROPAC (1998)
  • Minimal Invasive Chirurgie, Editorial staff (1998)
  • Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, Member of Editorial Board (1998)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten, Wahl in den Beirat (1998)
  • Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Honorary Member (1998)
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Viszeralchirurgie, Präsident 1999 und 2000
  • The Royal College of Surgeons of England, Fellowship ad eundem
  • European Association of Video Surgery, Member of the International Scientific Committee (1998)
  • Digestion, Member of the Editorial Board (1999)
  • Chirurgisches Forum, Expert Liver-Gall-Pancreas (1999)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Mitglied Kommission Klinische Studien (1999)
  • European Journal of Medical Research, Editor (1999)
  • Gastroenterology, Editorial Board (1. Juni 2000 - 30. Mai 2005)
  • Vizepräsident SGC, Gewählt am 18. Mai 2000
  • Pancreas Club, inc. Leadership (USA), Board of Leaders (2000)
  • Southeast University of Nanjing (2000), Ernennung zum Honorarprofessor der Southeast *University of Nanjing, PR of China
  • Pancreatology, Associate Editor, 2001
  • Digestive Diseases, Editorial Board Member, 2001
  • European Surgical Association (ESA), Council of ESA, Elected April 2001
  •, Advisory Board Member, elected March 2001
  • Hungarian Surgical Society, Ehrenmitgliedschaft, Juni 2001
  • The Best of the Best - 2000 (10), Archives of Surgery, Vol. 136, Juli 2001 (Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis: Treatment Strategy According to the Status of Infection Ann Surg: 2000;232:619-626)
  • Der Chirurg, Beirat (2001)
  • Pancreatology, Associate Editor (2001)
  • Chirurgische Universitätsklinik Heidelberg, Bestellung zum Stellvertretenden *Geschäftsführenden Direktors der Chirurgischen Klinik, 1. Oktober 2001
  • National Medical Journa of China, Mitglied im Editorial Board (2002)
  • Deutsche Transplantationsgesellschaft e. V., Mitglied 02/2002
  • Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, Editorial Board (2002)
  • European Surgical Association (ESA), Treasurer (2002)
  • Ungarische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Honorary member
  • University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu Clug-Japoca/Rumänien", Ernennung zum Ehrendoktor am 5. Dezember 2002
  • 6th Congress of the European Chapter of the IHPBA, May 2005, Heidelberg, Germany, Kongresspräsident
  • Jordanian Surgical Society, Honorary member (2007)