Marko Ahtisaari

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Marko Ahtisaari
Marko Ahtisaari

Marko Ahtisaari (born 1969[1] in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish technology entrepreneur and the son of Martti Ahtisaari, a former UN diplomat and president of Finland. He attended Columbia University where he studied philosophy, economics and music. A former Director of Design Strategy at Nokia,[2] a mobile phone company, Ahtisaari currently (as of early 2006) works for Blyk, an European ad-supported mobile network.[3] Ahtisaari sits on the boards of F-Secure corporation and Artek,[4] and is a founding investor in online business travel start-up Dopplr.[5][6]

In addition to the career in business, Ahtisaari is an occasional musician. He once received a Grammy Showcase Award for new artists.[7]

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