Mark V Special Operations Craft

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MK V Special Operations Craft

Place of origin United States of America
Service history
In service September 4, 1995
Used by United States Naval Special Warfare Command
Weight 57+ tons
Length 82 ft.
Height 17.5 ft.

The Mark V SOC (Special Operations Craft) is a small marine security/patrol/transport boat manufactured by Halter Marine Inc (Gulfport, Mississippi). The Mark V is one of the newest additions to the U.S naval special warfare command.


[edit] Development

The development of the Mark V SOC was relatively fast, taking only 18 months from the awarding of the contract to actual possession of the first boat on September 4, 1995. The contract was fulfilled when full operational capability was met in 1999. In all, 20 Mk V SOC were delivered to USSOCOM at a unit cost of $3.7 million. The Mark V SOC deployment was not without its problems, including instances of the windshield and entire pilothouse assembly collapsing on wave impact. These issues have been resolved and the Mark V SOC has markedly improved maritime special operations capabilities.

[edit] Redesign

On January 11, 2008 the US Navy unveiled a new version of the Mk V, dubbed the Mk V.1, intended to reduced the number of injuries encountered by sailors and SEAL during the operation of the vessel. Nicknamed the MAKO, the boat will undergo testing of the coast of Maine to evaluate it's new composite carbon-fiber hull before final evaluation in Norfolk, Virginia.

Of major concern with the Mk V is its aluminum hull which transmits the impact with the water's surface to the occupants of the boat more readily than a composite hull. Even after modifications which included adding shock absorbing seats the boats is capable of generating up to 20g's while slamming across waves. This has led to many cases of bruises, sprained ankles, chipped teeth, back, neck and joint injuries.

The MAKO was designed by Maine Marine Manufacturing LLC, a subsidiary of Hodgdon Yachts a luxury boat builder and the University of Maine's Advanced Engineered Wood Composites Center. The new boat will feature a hull made of layers of carbon fiber, a foam core and an outer layer of Kevlar for additional strength. The MAKO is lighter than current Mk V's and 50% stronger.

[edit] Missions

The primary mission of the Mark V is medium range insertion and extraction platform for Special Operations Forces (primarily SEAL combat swimmers) in a low to medium threat environment. The secondary mission is limited Coastal Patrol and Interdiction, specifically limited duration patrol and low to medium threat coastal interdiction. The typical Mark V SOC mission duration is 12 hours.

[edit] Capabilities

A Mark V SOC launching a ScanEagle UAV
A Mark V SOC launching a ScanEagle UAV

The Mark V has the capacity to carry sixteen fully equipped SEALs to missions 500 miles (800 km) away from where they are based. They ride on seats that are designed for maximum comfort and shock mitigation in high seas or heavy manoeuvering, and allows occupants to either stand or sit. With a beam of 17 1/2 feet, the craft has enough room to carry four CRRCs with six outboard motors (2 spares) and fuel, to deploy forces from a clandestine distance. The ramp on the stern allows SEAL teams to ride their CRRC's right up the stern of the boat, for fast extraction and insertion.

To support the SOF missions in the medium to low threat environment, the Mk Vs are outfitted with five gun mounts for small caliber weapons supporting any combination of: M-2 .50cal heavy machine guns, M240 or the M60 7.62 mm machine guns or Mk19 40 mm automatic grenade launchers. Together these provide 360 degrees of firing coverage. To defend against aircraft the craft have a station for firing the Stinger Man-portable Air Defence System (MANPADS). Later improvements include mounting stations for GAU-17 Miniguns, MK 95 Twin 50 cal machine gun, MK 38 chain gun and Mk48 25 mm guns. Personal small arms of the crew and passengers can also be used to defend the craft.

The Mark V has many special features, besides its weapons, that make it more survivable and likely to survive a mission while delivering sailors to their missions. Its angular design and low silhouette reduces its radar signature making it harder to spot and detect. Its V-hull design gives it good handling qualities in rough water as well as speed and shallow draft (four feet when cruising on-step). Its twin MTU 12-cylinder TE94 Diesel engines give it power and reliability and, coupled with the two K50S water jets, provides fast acceleration for operations near shore or in shallow waters as well as cutting down on the rooster tail effect that can make fast boats easier to see and track.

[edit] Mark V SOC Detachment

The Mark V SOC will normally operate in a two craft detachment with a Mobile Support Team. The operational detachment, also referred to as the basic Mark V SOC operating system, is comprised of:

  • two Mark V special operations craft, each with a crew of five special warfare combatant-craft crewmen (also known as SWCCs);
  • two Mark V SOC transporters, each with an M916A1E1 prime mover
  • four M1097 HMMWVs with S250 shelters,
  • two M1083 5-ton trucks for the 90 day containerized deployment support package (spare part, repair parts, consumables, etc.)
  • one five-ton forklift;
  • an eight-man maintenance support team, that provides technical assistance and maintenance support during mission turnaround.

A Mark V SOC detachment is deployable on two USAF C-5 Galaxy aircraft to a theater of operations within 48 hours of notification and is prepared to commence operations within 24 hours after arriving at a forward staging location. The detachment can also be delivered in-theater by well or flight deck equipped surface ships and, if appropriate, under their own power. A detachment is also overland transportable by road.

The detachment can be deployable within 48 hours of notification and ready for operations within 24 hours of arrival at a forward operating base. They can operate from shore facilities, from well-deck equipped ships or from ships with appropriate crane and deck space capabilities.

The Mark V SOC is operated by Naval Special Warfare Group THREE (formerly known as Special Boat Squadron ONE) and Naval Special Warfare Group FOUR (formerly known as Special Boat Squadron TWO) on the east and west coasts. Twelve Mark Vs are assigned to NSWG-3, Coronado, California, and eight to NSWG-4, Little Creek, Virginia.

[edit] Mark V Waterfront Operations Support Facility

Located at Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, California is a new facility to house operational maintenance, training and administrative functions for 12 Mark V SOC. The North Island location was designed to allow rapid mobilization and transport of these vessel worldwide. The facility provides non-depot level maintenance of rolling stock and depot level maintenance of the Mark V SOC. In addition to maintenance and supply/spare parts warehousing facilities, on-site administration and training facilities with classrooms and briefing areas were provided. Final design includes a new 115' by 37' U-shaped, reinforced concrete pier, 60' long concrete floating docks to berth five vessels, and a gangway. Special design requirements for the pier included the capability to support the combined load of a 50-ton Mark V SOC vessel and a 70-ton marine travel lift used to lift the vessels out of the water and transport them to the maintenance facility.

[edit] Sources