Mark (rugby)

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To mark a ball in rugby union, the player must be inside that player's twenty-two metre line. The mark is performed by a player (normally the Full Back), making a clean catch and shouting "Mark!". Once a mark is made, the marking player may not be tackled. The player is awarded a free-kick at the position of the mark and the kick must be taken by the marking player. If for any reason, the player cannot take the kick within one minute, the marking team must take a scrum (and cannot otherwise choose a scrum). A ball may be marked if it has rebounded off the posts or crossbar. A mark may not be made from a kick-off.

The normal rules of a free kick apply, except in the case of a scrum option. A scrum from a mark should ideally be taken from the position of the mark, but must be at least five metres from touch. If the mark was made in the in-goal area, the scrum is taken five metres from the goal line on a line running through the mark parallel to the touch line but always at least five metres from the touch line.

If a player from the opposing team charges the marking player after the call of "Mark!", then the team will be awarded a penalty kick taken from the position of the mark, unless the infringing player was offside, in which case the penalty will be given from the offside line.

For much of Rugby's history, a mark could be made anywhere on the field, but under more stringent conditions: the marking player had to have both feet on the ground at the time of calling "Mark!", the defending side were allowed to advance as far as the mark in defending against the subsequent kick, and the kick itself had to propel the ball at least as far forward as the mark (in conjunction with the second stipulation, this effectively prevented the marking side from keeping possession with a tap-kick). However, under these restrictions a goal could be attempted. In the 1970s the mark was changed to the definition given above, except that it could be made anywhere in the defending side's half; it is no longer a requirement that the marking player have both feet on the ground.

[edit] See also