Maris Martinsons

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Maris Martinsons is director of the Pacific Rim Institute for the Studies of Management and a professor of management currently associated with the City University of Hong Kong, the Stockholm School of Economics and the University of Toronto. He received his B.A.Sc. (Engineering Science) and M.B.A. degrees from the University of Toronto, and a Ph.D. in Industrial and Business Studies from the University of Warwick. He has served as editor for the following scholarly journals: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, the Journal of Applied Management Studies, the Journal of Information Technology Management, the Journal of Management Systems, and the Communications of the ACM.

Martinsons is a leading authority on strategic management, organizational change, and knowledge management/information systems. His research and insights have been published widely in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latvian and Russian as well as English.

Martinsons also has extensive experience as a business consultant, mostly in association with Ernst & Young, DRI/McGraw-Hill and McKinsey & Co.. He has successfully completed more than 30 large-scale projects in Western, Chinese and cross-cultural settings, and has served as an external advisor to leading organizations and institutions around the world, including the governments of Hong Kong and Latvia.

Martinsons received the Distinguished Young Scholar Award from the International Association of Management in 1995. He has been a keynote speaker at meetings of scholarly societies, industry groups and professional associations, such as the Baltic Business Congress, the East Asian Executive Forum, the International Association of Management, the Pacific Rim Leadership Summit, and the World Knowledge Forum.

As a Latvian-Canadian who was educated in both North America and Europe, has been a visiting professor at leading universities on five continents, and is now based in the heart of the Asia-Pacific region, Professor Martinsons exemplifies a new generation of global scholars. He has played an instrumental role in establishing the world-wide Association of Information Systems and internationalizing the (U.S.) Academy of Management.

Professor Martinsons is an influential researcher on the strategic management of competitive enterprises in uncertain business environments as well as the diagnosis, planning and implementation of transformational organizational change. The level of analysis in his studies has ranged from individuals (top management decision making) and small groups (knowledge management systems) to organizations (business performance management, links between business strategy and information technology/systems) and entire industries and economies (strategic intelligence in pre-handover Hong Kong, post-Soviet reform in Latvia, e-commerce in 21st century China). Martinsons also pioneered the research of both green business issues (sustainable development and environmental technologies) and information ethics in the context of Hong Kong and China. According to Google Scholar, Maris Martinsons has authored 4 of the 10 most cited articles on Chinese management.

Professor Martinsons has also been a pioneer with action research and e-learning. Based on a philosophy that stresses the integration of theory and practice and the application of systematic frameworks/models and principles, the "Martinsons on Management" learning platform and a series of Management by Martinsons masterclasses have played significant roles in professionalizing management in transitional economies such as mainland China and the Baltic States. The programs incorporate various intellectual and physical challenges that take participants beyond their comfort zones in order to develop both greater confidence and competence. He has also used IT extensively to develop multimedia teaching materials and online learning environments that take the learning process far beyond the classroom.

Professor Martinsons was the first double winner of a university-wide teaching excellence award in Hong Kong. In winning these awards, he was cited for his thoughtful teaching philosophy, meticulous course planning, deep knowledge of international business and management, and ability to foster a high degree of interaction in both the classroom and online.

Martinsons is also an accomplished athlete, having represented Canada, Latvia and Hong Kong in international sporting competitions.

His philanthropic activities focus on developing and improving international relationships, particularly between academic and business communities in Baltic Europe and East Asia. Professor Martinsons was a co-founder of TALKA, the Far Eastern Latvian Cultural Association, and has served on its board of directors since 1989. In recent years, he has cultivated social entrepreneurship among the younger generation in Hong Kong and southern China and helped to set up student exchange programs at both the university and secondary school levels.


[edit] Publications

[edit] Book

  • Information technology and the challenge for Hong Kong / edited by Janice M. Burn and Maris G. Martinsons. Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, c1997. ISBN 9622094201

[edit] Dissertation

  • Strategic Intelligence in Hong Kong / University of Warwick / How chief executives managed information/knowledge amidst the environmental uncertainty of pre-handover Hong Kong.

[edit] Scholarship

His paper "Comparing the Decision Styles of American, Chinese and Japanese business leaders" from the Academy of Management meeting in 2001 is a seminal study in international business and management. It has over 150 hyperlinked citations and has been downloaded more than 900 times by members of the Social Science Research Network.

His most cited peer-reviewed journal articles (according to Google Scholar) are:

  • Martinsons, M., Davison, R., Tse, D. (1999). The balanced scorecard: A foundation for the strategic management of information systems Decision Support Systems, 25 (1), pp. 71-88. Cited more than 130 times.
  • Martinsons, M.G., Westwood, R.I. (1997). Management information systems in the Chinese business culture: An explanatory theory Information and Management, 32 (5), pp. 215-228. Cited more than 75 times in English and 50 times in Chinese.
  • Martinsons, M.G., Chong, P.K.C. (1999). The influence of human factors and specialist involvement on information systems success Human Relations, 52 (1), pp. 123-151. Cited more than 70 times.
  • Davison, R.M., Martinsons, M.G., Kock, N. (2004). Principles of canonical action research Information Systems Journal, 14 (1), pp. 65-86. Cited 60 times.
  • Martinsons, M.G. (1993) Outsourcing Information Systems: A Strategic Partnership with Risks, Long Range Planning, 26 (3), pp. 18-25. Cited more than 50 times.
  • Martinsons, M.G. (1995). Radical Process Innovation Using Information Technology: The Theory, the Practice and the Future of Reengineering, International Journal of Information Management, 15 (4), pp. 253-269. Cited more than 40 times.
  • Martinsons, M.G. (2002). Electronic commerce in China Information & Management, 39 (5), pp. 71-79. Cited 30 times.
  • Martinsons, M.G., Schindler, F.R. (1995). Organizational visions for technology assimilation: The strategic roads to knowledge-based systems success IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 42 (1), pp. 9-18. Cited 25 times.
  • Martinsons, M.G., Hempel, P.S. (1995). Chinese management systems: historical and cross-cultural perspectives, Journal of Management Systems, 7(1), pp. 1-11. Cited 25 times in English and more than 50 times in Chinese.
  • Martinsons, M.G., Martinsons, A.G.B. (1996). Conquering cultural constraints to cultivate Chinese management creativity and innovation, Journal of Management Development 15(9), pp 18-35. Cited 23 times.
  • Martinsons, M.G., Martinsons, V. (2002). Rethinking the value of IT, again. Communications of the ACM, 45 (7), pp. 25-26. Cited 23 times.
  • Martinsons M.G., So, S.K.K., Tin C., Wong D. (1997). Hong Kong and China: emerging markets for environmental products and technologies, Long Range Planning, 30(5), pp. 277-290. Cited 22 times.
  • Martinsons, M.G., Hempel, P.S. (1998). Chinese business process re-engineering, International Journal of Information Management, 18(6), pp. 393-407. Cited 21 times.
  • Martinsons, M.G., Valdemars, K. (1992). Post-Soviet reform in Latvia: Early progress and future prospects, Journal of Economic Studies, 19(6), pp. 35-53. Cited 20 times.
  • Martinsons, Maris (1994). Benchmarking human resource information systems in Canada and Hong Kong Information & Management, 26 (6), pp. 305-316. Cited 20 times.

[edit] External links