Marine National Park, Gulf of Kutch

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Marine National Park, Gulf of Kutch
IUCN Category II (National Park)
Location Map
Location Map
Location Jamnagar District, Gujarat, India
Area 162.89 km²
Established 1982
Governing body Forest Department of Gujarat

Marine National Park in the Gulf of Kutch is situated in the Jamnagar District of Gujarat state, India.

In 1982 this park was declared the first marine park of the country, which covers about 458 square miles (1,186 km²). The protected areas include about an archipelago made up of 42 islands on the gulf of Kutch. Among the fauna found here include: coral, dugong and the finless porpoise. 200 different types of sponges can also be found. Sea turtles also nest along the beach.

During the monsoon season, 30 different spieces of migatory birds make their home among the mangrove forests, waiting out the storms. Includes the island of Pirotan

[edit] Marine National Park, Jamnagar :

To read more and see interesting photos check out : [1]

[edit] External links

  • Jamnagar the beautiful: [2]
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