Marine Expeditionary Unit

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A Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) is the smallest Marine Air-Ground Task Force in the United States Marine Corps.

The Marine Expeditionary Unit is normally built around a reinforced Marine infantry battalion, a composite helicopter squadron, a logistics combat element, and a command element. Troop strength is about 2,200, and it is commanded by a colonel. Occasionally an MEU-like unit is built around a regiment and is called a Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) and is commanded by a Brigadier General.


[edit] Attributes

The MEU is unique in that its air and ground combat elements are combined with a logistics combat element under one commander; other services do not unite the command of air and ground forces until much higher command levels (typically theater commands, with a full general in command). Also, the ground combat element combines artillery and light armor at a much lower level than is common in the U.S. Army.

This air-ground task force concept is designed to thoroughly exploit the combat power inherent in air and ground assets by closely integrating them into a single force. The MEU brings all the supplies it needs to sustain itself for quick mission accomplishment or to pave the way for any follow-up forces.

A typical MEU (SOC) structure has 2,100 Marines and sailors. It is equipped with:

  • 7 to 16 light armored vehicles
  • eight 81 mm mortars
  • eight TOW missile systems
  • eight Javelin missile launchers
  • 15 amphibious assault vehicles
  • six 155 mm howitzers
  • four M1A1 main battle tanks
  • 12 CH-46E medium lift assault helicopters
  • six CH-53E heavy lift assault helicopters
  • three UH-1N utility helicopters
  • four AH-1W Cobra attack helicopters
  • six AV-8B Harrier Jets
  • two KC-130 re-fueler/transport aircraft (on call in the continental United States)
  • two reverse osmosis water purification units
  • one LMT 3000 water purification unit
  • one sea tractor
  • four TRAMs (10,000-pound capacity forklifts)
  • two 4,000 pound capacity forklifts
  • three D-7 bulldozers
  • 30 5-ton or 7-ton/12-ton trucks
  • one dump truck
  • four Mk48 logistical vehicle systems
  • seven 500 gallon water containers
  • 63 HMMWVs.

[edit] Elements

[edit] Ground Combat Element

The Ground Combat Element (GCE) is based around the battalion landing team, an infantry battalion reinforced with an artillery battery, Amphibious Assault Vehicle platoon, combat engineering platoon, light armored reconnaissance company, tank platoon, reconnaissance platoon, and other units as the mission and circumstances require. The total strength is approximately 1,200 members.

The reconnaissance platoon provides the basic element for the Maritime Special Purpose Force. This force consists of four elements. The assault platoon (the Force Reconnaissance Platoon), security (a selected infantry platoon from the battalion landing team), reconnaissance and surveillance assets, and a headquarters section. The total strength is approximately 350 Marines and sailors.

[edit] Aviation Combat Element

The Aviation Combat Element (ACE) is a Marine Composite Squadron (Reinforced) composed of a Medium/Heavy Helicopter Squadron augmented with three other types of helicopters, one detachment of amphibious flight-deck-capable jets, and a Marine Air Control Group Detachment with Air Traffic Control, Direct Air Support, and Stinger Missile assets. These units include the following aircraft:

[edit] Logistics Combat Element

The Logistics Combat Element (LCE) (formerly Combat Service Support Element or CSSE) contains all the logistics specialists necessary to operate independently. It includes service support, medical, dental, maintenance, transportation, explosive ordinance disposal, military police, water production, distribution engineering, fuel storage, and other technical experts. It consists of approximately 300 Marines and sailors. This element is now referred to as the MEU Service Support Group (MSSG). This element provides the ability for the unit to support itself for 15 days in an austere expeditionary environment

[edit] Command Element

The Command Element (CE)—the MEU commander and his supporting staff—provides command and control of the other three elements. It includes specialized detachments for naval gunfire, reconnaissance, surveillance, specialized communications, radio reconnaissance (SIGINT), electronic warfare, intelligence and counterintelligence, and public affairs missions. The overall strength is about 200 Marines and sailors.

[edit] Expeditionary Strike Group

Recently, a MEU has been deployed within an Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) in the Mediterranean, the Western Pacific, and periodically, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans for roughly six months; unless in a time of crisis and war. An ESG is typically composed of three amphibious ships that embark the necessary troops and equipment and are escorted by a guided missile cruiser (CG) and guided missile destroyers (DDG) and submarine (SSN) support.

Before the ESG MEUs were typically deployed as part of an Amphibious Readiness Group.

[edit] The MEU Cycle

Interim / Build-Up Period: Upon completion of a deployment, the Marine Expeditionary Unit remains "Special Operations Capable" for approximately one month, prepared to respond to events around the world. The MEU then releases its major subordinate elements (MSEs), retaining only its command element. This period provides the command element a chance to rotate select personnel and begin planning for the addition of newly assigned MSEs and “work-up” training. When the MSEs are received, the MEU begins six months of intense pre-deployment training.

Work-Up Period: Training during the six month work-up period is often referred to as "crawl, walk, run". The Marines and sailors progress through curriculum and exercises that teach individual, small unit, and unit tactics while integrating the separate MEU elements into a cohesive, flexible and powerful force. The work-up period includes training in the following areas: Urban Sniper, Mechanized and Motorized Raids, Noncombatant Evacuation Operations, Humanitarian Assistance, Mass Casualty, Scout Swimmer, and Mountain Warfare. Exercises conducted during the work-up period include: Amphibious Squadron—MEU Integration Training (PMINT), Training in an Urban Environment Exercise (TRUEX), Expeditionary Strike Group Exercise (ESGEX), and the Special Operations Capable Certification Exercise (CERTEX or SOCCEX). Prior to deployment, the MEU receives certification as Special Operations Capable and then referred to as a "MEU (SOC)". It should be noted that there is is very little within the capability of a MEU(SOC) that meets the level of special operations practiced by Army Special Forces and Navy SEALs.

Deployment: Following the work-up, the MEU deploys for six months in support of geographic combatant commanders. During this time, the MEU is a forward-deployed, self-sustaining force that combatant commanders can direct to accomplish a variety of special operations and conventional missions. The missions may include: Conventional Operations (Amphibious Assaults and Raids); Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel (TRAP); Humanitarian Assistance Operations (HAO); Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO); and Security Operations.

[edit] See also
