Marianela (novel)

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Marianela is a Spanish novel written by Benito Pérez Galdós in 1878.

[edit] Plot

This novel takes place in the fictional town of Socartes, Spain. The name refers to the great philosopher Socrates and his ideas about internal and external beauty. It tells the story of Marianela, (sometimes referred to as la Nela) a girl with an ugly face, but a beautiful soul, and her love for Pablo, a blind boy. Pablo eventually gets an operation that gives him his sight. Before seeing Nela, he sees his beautiful cousin, Florentina, and proposes to her. Because of this, Nela attempts suicide, but is saved by someone. Then, due to Pablos desire to see her, she stands before him. At which point she has an attack and dies of embarrassment for her own hideousness.

[edit] Characters

  • Marianela - A small, deformed girl who has a passion for Pablo. Not only is she his guide, but his admirer.
  • Pablo Penáguilas - A blind boy who eventually regains his eyesight. He marries his first cousin and leaves the humble Nela.
  • Teodoro Golfín - The doctor who performs Pablo's eye surgery; he gives him his sight back.
  • Carlos Golfín - Engineer of the mines where he lives.
  • Francisco Penáguilas - Father of Pablo. cares for his son very much; he is also well respected and very rich.
  • Manuel Penáguilas - The brother of Francisco and father of Florentina, the girl who marries Pablo.
  • Florentina de Penáguilas - Pablo's cousin, who eventually marries him.
  • Sra. Ana de Centeno
  • Sr. Centeno - Nela's caretaker. He makes her sleep in a basket in the corner of the kitchen.
  • Celipín Centeno - The youngest of the Centeno children. Usually given money by Marianela. Wants to leave Socartes to get an education.
  • Sofía de Golfín

[edit] External links
