Mariana Koskull

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Henrietta Mariana (or Marianne) Charlotta Koskull, (1785-1841), was a Swedish noble and lady-in-waiting, known as the royal mistress of king Charles XIII of Sweden and king Charles XIV John of Sweden.

Mariana, or Marianne as she was often called in the French-influented court, was born as the child of Gustaf Fredrik Koskull and Anna Charlotta Gjelstrup and became a center in the social circles of the court. She was pointed out and known as the mistress of king Charles XIII after his accession to the throne in 1809, and eventually as the mistress also to his successor king Charles Bernadotte (king 1818), whith whom she was said to have had a child. Historians have sometimes been uncertain, whether she actually functioned as a mistress, or only seemed to have this position. When she at one occasion flirted with the crown prince, the future king Oscar I of Sweden, the governor of the prince, Germund Ludvig Cederhielm, bursted out; " For God's sake Miss, spare the third generation, You are corrupting them all at once!".

[edit] References

  • Lars Elgklou, "Familjen Bernadotte. En kunglig släktkrönika"