Maria Tomson

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Maria Tomson (December 27, 1853 TartumaaApril 26, 1966 Holstre) was an Estonian centenarian. She is held to have been the oldest ever Estonian person. She lived 112 years, three months and 29 days. The data haven't been validated by any international body.

When 110 of age, she still did handwork, read newspapers and books, and helped her daughter managing the household. The newspaper Rahva Hääl wrote on her 110th birthday: "Maria Tomson brought up eight children, and a stepson as the ninth child. She has still never needed a doctor, she has been ill just once, 70 years ago." [1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Helje Loopere: Kõrge ea saladus: maal elamine ja puhas toit, Elukiri, 2004, nr 3