Maria Rosa Calvo-Manzano

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Maria Rosa Calvo-Manzano is a Spanish harpist, composer, writer, and professor, currently teaching at the Royal Superior Conservatory of Music of Madrid.

As a concert harpist, she has traveled around the world in tightly scheduled tours, counting as many as two tousand, covering the five continents. She has accompanied the King and Queen of Spain on important official tours, such as the bicentenary celebrations in Washington. She debuted in the Carnegie Hall in New York in 1977, and in the same year, she was awarded New York's Best Young Foreign Artist Award. Contemporary Spanish composers have written works for the harp dedicated to Dr. Calvo-Manzano, who has premiered a wide range of repertoires not only for harp solos but also for orchestra and chamber compositions.

As a professor, she has given master courses in Santander's Menendez Pelayo University, Mexico's Autonomous University, Asuncion University, Buenos Aires Conservatory, Rio de Janeiro University, Peking Conservatory, Canberra Conservatory, Hong Kong Oriental University, Tokyo Conservatory, International Courses of Estoril and Gerona, National Courses of Elda, and has been named Resident Professor in the Music School of the Autonomous University of Mexico and Associate Professor of the Autonomous University of Madrid. She is sits in the jury for many international harp competitions.

She has developed a Treatise on the Harp Techniques and Aesthetics and a complex treatise on the Techniques of Eduational Psychology aplie to Musical teaching (ARLU technique), which is a mixture of educational psychological assumptions applied to artistic teaching, after investigating psychology, pedagogy, orthopedic surgery, and instrumental techniques.

She has founded the Ludovico Harp Association in order to preserve Spanish harp heritage and spread harp in all its expressions.

[edit] Awards and Distinctions

  • Medal of Culture of New York (1977)
  • Resident Professor of the Autonomous University of Mexico (1978)
  • Golden Sagitarius from Fine Arts Academy of Rome (1978)
  • National Prize of the Spanish Ministry of Culture (1982)
  • Prize for the best disco graphical production of 1986
  • Provost of the Guild of International Investigators (1988)
  • Prize to the Most Widespread Radio Program of Spanish National Radio, Radio 2 (1989)
  • Associate Professor of Doctorate Courses of the Autonomous University of Madrid (1990)
  • Corresponding Academy of the Royal Academy of Find Arts and Historical Science of Toledo (1992) and of the Sevilla's Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (1995)
  • The Lady's Bow of the Elizabeth the Catholic (1996)
  • Commendation of Alphonso X the Wise (1997)