Marcus Livius Drusus (consul 15 BC)

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Marcus Livius Drusus (flourished 1st century BC) was the son of praetor Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus and Aufidia. His sister was the first Roman Empress Livia Drusilla, brother-in-law to first Roman Emperor Augustus; and a maternal uncle to Roman Emperor Tiberius and General Nero Claudius Drusus.

His adopted paternal grandfather was the tribune Marcus Livius Drusus, while his adoptive paternal grandmother is unknown. His maternal grandmother is unknown, while his maternal grandfather was the Roman Magistrate Marcus Aufidius Lurco. He was the namesake of father’s adoptive name and adoptive paternal grandfather and has the Praenomen of both grandfathers.

Very little is known on his life. Livius Drusus served as an aedile in 28 BC, shortly before the Pantheon in Rome was completed. He served as a consul in 15 BC. Historian Pliny the Elder (H.N. xxxvi. 15. s. 24), mentions him among those in Rome, who hosted the Secular Games, during Augustus’ reign.

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